Sorry for derailing this thread, but I'm going to anyhow. I can't see West Perry in print, or hear the name, without thinking of one of the funniest events at any sporting event that I've ever been to.
Back in the day, I was the manager (gopher) for East Juniata's track team. We arrived at West Perry High School, and stepped off the bus to hurricane force winds. The team proceeded to the center of the track, and began their stretching routine.
During the stretches a random person went into one of the port a potties that they had sitting up on a Hill. Shortly after that, the wind took over, and all of a sudden, one of the track team members yelled, "It fell over!" Now, with the entire track team looking on, out crawled the unfortunate soul. They quickly scampered off, looking around to see if anyone had noticed. O, boy, did we ever.
I have matured a great deal since then, and would never consider laughing at someone's unfortunate circumstance like this. You can't prove that I'm sitting here snickering as I write it.
PerryLion, If that was you, you don't need to admit it. Just know that that story has been told dozens of times over the years. Hopefully, by now, we are laughing with you, not at you.