Aaron Brooks Coldest Moment at the 2024 NCAA Championships


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2016
PA - D9
Of all the things 4x NCAA Champ Aaron Brooks pulled off in his final college campaign, this first period pin in the quarerfinals of NCAA's may have been the coldest. Ankle pick to double to seatbelt underhook to twisting throw to cement job. This on the eventual 3rd place finisher who, if you take out this match, went 6-0 & outscored his opponents 61-12.

Brooks for his part went 5-0 at 2024 NCAA's, including two wins by fall & two by tech fall & zero (!) TD's given up. Is an Olympic 🥇next?

Since wrestling was invented in 2010-2011, I have had the pleasure of seeing some outstanding wrestlers. Aaron may just very well be the best. His tactical in-match adjustments are remarkable.
Considering the fact that just a bit later he beat a guy who was probably one of the best P4P wrestlers in the world, I would say that it’s not unreasonable to think that AB is one of the better wrestlers to wrestle at Penn State.