Postscript to that sad saga: Schultz's Ironman finals opponent was PJ Mustipher, now a defensive lineman at PSU.
Spencer Lee to Austin: “see I told you that freakin hurts”
Thanks fellas.
My high school used a family practice doc for skin checks, and this doc also worked for PIAA events including states. He was probably half decent, but knowing what I know now as a board certified dermatologist, I realize just how terrible non-dermatologists often are when it comes to skin issues in general.
Question on the skin check. Is it normally ring worm ? I had that two yrs ago. A day or two of steroid cream and presto gone. Or could it be something else too
not to nitpick but steroids do NOT cure ring worm. Ring worm is Tinea Corporis which is a fungal infection of the skin. Steroids may help (key word MAY) the actual visible rash fade but an anti fungal is needed to cure it and render it not contagious.
Is this real or BS, where did you get that quote?
My thinking was AD was hurt before the match and it was already in his head, hence the immediate cry out to the ref when it was tweaked.
The Spencer quote if accurate could indicate ACL, but that would not explain why he wasn't wearing a brace.