Active Philly shooter, Nicetown Area...four officers shot


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2001
nicetown section....stay safe, folks.

Edit: Temple University suggesting lockdown. One suspect captured, appears another still at large.

Hundreds of shots fired.

continuing gun shots heard at 5:35pm

some reports, now, of up to six officers shot
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4 or 5 police officers wounded and taken to Temple Univ Hospital & Einstein hospital. One suspect supposedly in custody, but another still hold up they believe in a house. Witnesses indicate hearing more than 100 shots fired. Please pray for quick resolution and for those wounded.
4 or 5 police officers wounded and taken to Temple Univ Hospital & Einstein hospital. One suspect supposedly in custody, but another still hold up they believe in a house. Witnesses indicate hearing more than 100 shots fired. Please pray for quick resolution and for those wounded.
Sorry, I didn't see the other thread.
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nicetown section....stay safe, folks.

Edit: Temple University suggesting lockdown.

Just some clarification. Temple has suggested a shutdown of their health and science campus, which is separate from the main campus. To give some context that most people could understand, it would be as if there was an active shooting incident in Boalsburg. Penn State would be aware of it and monitoring, but they wouldn't lock down main campus.

The Nicetown/Tioga section is not in center city Philadelphia, or an area that anybody that is commuting to work would be in, unless they worked at Temple Hospital (or affiliated companies/organizations). It's an area of Philadelphia that most folks avoid, if they can.
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Philly Police Commissioner Richard Ross is a PSU Grad.
reports are that the cops were serving a warrant on a drug case. so, FWIW, it isn't a nut indiscriminately shooting pedestrians.
Chanel 6 is reporting that none of the officers injuries are life threatening.

That is good news.

Sounded like a bad guy shot at cops doing cop business. But the news decides to plant the phrase du jour on it and call it an “Active Shooter”. In that case, there will be Active Shooters in every city this weekend.

Save us from this mess
That is good news.

Sounded like a bad guy shot at cops doing cop business. But the news decides to plant the phrase du jour on it and call it an “Active Shooter”. In that case, there will be Active Shooters in every city this weekend.

Save us from this mess

I believe it’s still going on.
That is good news.

Sounded like a bad guy shot at cops doing cop business. But the news decides to plant the phrase du jour on it and call it an “Active Shooter”. In that case, there will be Active Shooters in every city this weekend.

Save us from this mess

The media labeled someone actively shooting at cops an active shooter, the horror.
Nicetown...most ironic name ever?
Yes, not so nice!! It wasn’t nice 30 years ago either!!

I had a delivery route through all of north of center city. During my training my boss told me to lock the doors and never go down streets with furniture in the road because they are set up to car jack you. I saw a couple of those situations. Tioga was bad, but never had a problem. Scariest moment I had was when I backed into a parked Mercedes in Huntingpark/Little Puerto Rico section, but that is another story.

Hope the officers pull through.
it's pretty simple- until the shooter is no longer active, he's an active shooter

The media labeled someone actively shooting at cops an active shooter, the horror.

Yep. As long as they label everyone accurately right. That’s all we are, people to be placed into our categories and packaged for political arguments

You know damn well that “Active Shooter” is the term used for a mentally ill person running rampant on innocent people.

The news exploited this and used the term for a drug bust in which the drug dealer was getting busted and shot at police. If you can’t see that manipulation, just put your head down. Can’t wait to see the spin wherein the police are in the wrong here.

Like I said, as long as they break into their regular programming for every murder which is done by an “active shooter”.

So explain to me who an “inactive shooter” would be. Is that all the other millions of sane, law abiding gun owners?
So explain to me who an “inactive shooter” would be. Is that all the other millions of sane, law abiding gun owners?
Someone that was shooting, but has been contained.

If they are still shooting at police and have officers stuck in the house, I’d think that is pretty clearly an “active shooter”.
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  • ac·tive
1. engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits.
  • shoot·er
    1. a person who uses a gun either regularly or on a particular occasion.
We're really debating the meaning of "active shooter"?

Guys, just eat the chicken sammiches.
How would you define a Passive Shooter? Is that like watching TV, eating popcorn with one hand and shooting with the other?
Hmm...if he was shooting as a result of the warrant, would that make him a "reactive shooter?" (or, if he shot once before)

Police: “We’re charging you as an active shooter.”

Shooter: “Wait! He started it!”

Police: “O.K. We’re charging you as a Reactive Shooter.”

Shooter: “That works for me.”