- These situations were going on for at least a couple of years (and yes, that means the genesis even pre-dates Sandy Baby)
- Plenty of folks were aware of the situations
- We now have well-paid full time folks on staff who's purported mission is NOTHING other than "enhancing student-athlete welfare"....and a $1,000,000 a year AD (with a history of comprehensive, unmitigated failure) who claims that "student-athlete welfare" is one of Her touchstone missions)
The "issue" isn't what Brandwene or the Gymnastics coaches did/didn't do (not the BIG issue anyway).....the issue - if you will put your "dense" agenda aside for a moment - is WTF do we have layers of Administration paid to "enhance student-athlete welfare" for?
If we are to fairly evaluate them on their actions/comments - - - these dildos claim to not even be aware of the problems - - - until some writer for the Collegian puts them into print.
Or, feel free to continue "missing the forest for the trees"....if it makes you feel better.
2 separate issues with significant overlap IMO. I agree with you on the bloated assistant to the associate assistant AD stuff. I don't buy the "but mom- everyone's doing it" excuse others do when they list what Texas or Ohio State have.
As to the ability of people put in those positions- are you really shocked that a bloated administration is full of less than competent people (see Erickson, Rodney) and that an AD who has dished out her traditional responsibilities to multiple new assistants is now not on top of things? So on that we have pretty much the same opinion (or as you refer to it- the same "dense agenda"
My concern was focused on the 'new front' the collegian appears to be starting here and on what this could mean for the future of PSU sports (primarily women's sports so far with the 2 articles). Evan Ceg has a good post on it and I won't waste time by retyping it. (I focused mainly on the new Collegian aspect because I didn't want my original post as long as this one is now becoming).
My main concern was on how this 1 sided approach, with the associated 'torch and pitchfork crowd' may affect the future of sports at PSU. That, even now, many Penn Staters in that comment section have not learned anything from the JS mess. They still jump to get out front to show their 'outrage' so they don't get labeled as someone who puts sports in front of 'basic human decency' (and facts of the case be damned).
That, in turn, pressures administrators (especially those that are not competent to get in front of these issues whether from idiocy or bloated administration/ governance issues) to quickly show how they 'understand and care' and make decisions that often have more to do with PR rather than facts of the case.
So yes, I have had concerns on the competency of the athletic department leadership from Sandy to the "ethics administrator" to assistant ADs like Greene for a long time now. My new concern is that a perfect storm is forming where the Collegian will now air grievances of disgruntled athletes without ever getting the other side to the story- chumming the shark filled waters. This now puts a charged issue in from of those same administrators and there could be serious damage at PSU as a result.