Am I being unfair to classify Derek Wingo (a past decommit) a failure? Perhaps, just struggling to make a difference?

We have a thread on a decommit 2 cycles ago who is a sophomore playing sparingly on a top 10-15 team and we are making fun of him at 1:00 AM on a Thursday.

Some of you people are scary. Like - this is what the kids call, “living your best life” glov?
With decommits there's often more than meets the eye. I.e. a lot decommits happen because PSU has cooled on them or recruited someone else for their position. Sometimes it's academic issues, sometimes it's personal issues like not wanting to be too far from home. In this case, this is a player who maybe saw more opportunity to play for his home state school than he saw at PSU where he was probably going to be backing up Brandon Smith and Curtis Jacobs. No harm in that.
We have a thread on a decommit 2 cycles ago who is a sophomore playing sparingly on a top 10-15 team and we are making fun of him at 1:00 AM on a Thursday.

Some of you people are scary. Like - this is what the kids call, “living your best life” glov?

Come on guys. Be better.
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We have a thread on a decommit 2 cycles ago who is a sophomore playing sparingly on a top 10-15 team and we are making fun of him at 1:00 AM on a Thursday.

Some of you people are scary. Like - this is what the kids call, “living your best life” glov?
In fairness, I think it was 11PM for glov. Isn’t he living out in Montana or Idaho?
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I no longer follow all the recruiting drama so I had to look up Wingo in the Rivals database. He decommitted in June 2019 so it wasn't as if he jumped ship at the signing date and left PSU in the lurch. Players have decommitted from other schools and wound up at Penn State. That's just how it goes. I certainly wouldn't spend any time following PSU decommits and take some kind of weird pleasure in knowing they may not have lived up to their star rating. All the best to Wingo though. I hope he tears it up at UF.
With decommits there's often more than meets the eye. I.e. a lot decommits happen because PSU has cooled on them or recruited someone else for their position. Sometimes it's academic issues, sometimes it's personal issues like not wanting to be too far from home. In this case, this is a player who maybe saw more opportunity to play for his home state school than he saw at PSU where he was probably going to be backing up Brandon Smith and Curtis Jacobs. No harm in that.
If your commitment is unpopular because it isn't to the flagship university in your state or region....some lowlifes can make a high school kid and his family miserable. Not saying this is the case here, but I think it had a lot to do with Fearby's decommit. No one will convince me that he wanted Kentucky over PSU. He jumped off the train and the train left the station. The only thing that was crystal clear is that the young man was smart enough to stiff arm Pitt twice.
He appears to be well regarded but buried in a deep LB corp. UF had a starting LB go down and Wengo was mentioned as one of three underclassmen that could see more PT. Again, LB is a strong spot for UF.
When Derek Wingo had that gunfight with Doc Holiday, that was amazing. Wingo unfortunately lost his eligibility after that.
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I forget who said this, but it seems applicable here ;)

"Don’t worry about the recruits that we lose, just make sure that the ones we take can play…
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If you want we can add him to the Fleming/Shorter thread and give his updates as well
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We have a thread on a decommit 2 cycles ago who is a sophomore playing sparingly on a top 10-15 team and we are making fun of him at 1:00 AM on a Thursday.

Some of you people are scary. Like - this is what the kids call, “living your best life” glov?

Key West is kinda boring this time of year!

So, maybe I ought to go to the South of France just to freshen' up huh??

