i spent time with a relative at the PSU Iowa game. We had a great time. She is a strong Hillary supporter. I didn't want to talk politics. That's why I come to a messsage board like this. I figure we are going to be in the same family no matter who gets elected.
She did want to talk about the election, and I realized I wasn't going to be able to avoid it. I listened to her talking points. They weren't so much positives about Hillary as negatives about Trump. I told her I did not particularly care for Trump, but I thought Hillary represented a bigger danger to our nation. She seemed puzzled by this, so I began asking her questions about the investigations of HRC : the private server, the lying to investigators, the destruction of evidence after subpeonas and the recent news about recovering previously deleted email evidence from the devices of staffers and Anthony Weiner. I could see as I was telling her these things that she was absorbing much of this information for the first time. I asked her where she gets her news and information and it was no surprise, given the sources, that most of them would have not reported the things I told her.
I don't expect this will change her vote, but I expect it will make her less enthusiastic. It's an irony that we live in the " Information Age ", yet so often people are less informed because that information is so heavily influenced by biases.
She did want to talk about the election, and I realized I wasn't going to be able to avoid it. I listened to her talking points. They weren't so much positives about Hillary as negatives about Trump. I told her I did not particularly care for Trump, but I thought Hillary represented a bigger danger to our nation. She seemed puzzled by this, so I began asking her questions about the investigations of HRC : the private server, the lying to investigators, the destruction of evidence after subpeonas and the recent news about recovering previously deleted email evidence from the devices of staffers and Anthony Weiner. I could see as I was telling her these things that she was absorbing much of this information for the first time. I asked her where she gets her news and information and it was no surprise, given the sources, that most of them would have not reported the things I told her.
I don't expect this will change her vote, but I expect it will make her less enthusiastic. It's an irony that we live in the " Information Age ", yet so often people are less informed because that information is so heavily influenced by biases.
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