Art, look up her vita online. She is qualified to oversee Ice Hockey program.
First off.....the job isn't "Overseeing the Hockey Program". Not sure if that was some sort of typo on your part, or if you have no idea at all what you are talking about. But, in any event:
Coupla' stints as an Assistant Coach for Field Hockey and Women's BB.......Coupla' short stints as Assistant AD.
Brief stint as the AD at "Luther College" (don't ask me.....I have no idea LOL)
Then a JD degree at one of the twenty lowest rated Law Schools in the USNews rankings (University of Missouri - Kansas City).....following a Bachelors from Ursinus and a Masters from U of Iowa (probably while she was doing some AC-ing).
Stint with a Drug Testing outfit....that was mentioned earlier.
I never met/interviewed/talked with this lady. She may be the most impressive, engaging person you will ever meet one-on-one......I have no way of knowing.
Thing don't make mention of meeting her either.
Unless you had that are trying to tell us she is "well qualified" based on the resume listed above. Sorry, but from what is on paper, that is a resume you could equal or better 100 times over by just shaking a couple of trees around campus.
So.....why do you find it necessary to tell us she is "well qualified"?
Of course - IMHO, anyway - the bigger issue isn't what John Q or Susie Q is or isn't "qualified for".......the MUCH bigger issue is the absolute swelling of the bureaucracy of athletics administration.
The bloated, redundant, deadwood head counts are sweeping across the athletic department (and, to be fair, the University administration in general - in every area accept the ones that actually deal know...educating students LOL)
Layers of bureaucracy and waste are spreading like the Bubonic Plague......and it time.....for both the Athletic Department and the University as a whole......have the same effect.
Wickerham, Guadagnino.....etc etc et al et al. All of the bureaucratic layers within the athletic admin, general counsel's office, and ALL the University administrative layers......each is relatively insignificant - just like those fleas on the rats that carried the Plague.
But, in total, all those fleas on all those rats nearly wiped out Europe.