Another cool week at work WE ARE -Sec Of Education


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
This week PA Secretary of Education Pedro Rivera visited our school as part if our Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration. Our teachers reviewed his bio with the students and he is a PSU Alum. During the Q/A session students asked him about going to school and he mentioned Penn State. I then asked the students to show Sec how we do to it at our school. I led the school in a WE ARE. He smiled and said they do the cheer at his house but his young daughter says "we are Penn Steak"
He is an awesome guy and really connected with students. Pics are on the PDE Twitter( Im not sure how to post Twitter posts- the PSU boards are my only social media). Two of our students gave him pictures-I didnt know what was on the pictures) anyhow one of the pictures was We Are picture.
We did a follow-up e-mail to his assist to thank him for the visit. Here is a snippet from her response.

I have to share he has the drawing “We are Penn State” hanging proudly in his office. We were chuckling over how cute it is today.