Another (sorta) fight breaks out


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
Southern Scuffle, semi-final at 174 between Lorenzo Norman (Stanford) and Ben Pasiuk (Army). Former is losing late to the latter,
things get chippy (sort of) at the end, and Norman takes multiple swings at Pasiuk after the whistle. Gets a Flagrant Misconduct

No birds were flipped as far as I could tell.
Norman must be looking to transfer to the midwest...
If there was an Iowa wrestler involved this would be 12 pages deep. 3 posts will suffice
the 165 consi semi's had one of the most brutal misconduct acts that i have seen. the University of Northern Colorado wrestler really messed up the wrestler from Indiana. From what i have today this is normal for this guy. actually far worse than what AJ did , looks like the guys was seriously injured.
the 165 consi semi's had one of the most brutal misconduct acts that i have seen. the University of Northern Colorado wrestler really messed up the wrestler from Indiana. From what i have today this is normal for this guy. actually far worse than what AJ did , looks like the guys was seriously injured.
Here's the video. Fernandes held Lillard's leg extended and shelved, and knee-dropped Lillard's knee. Got a richly-earned DQ. Lillard's knee apparently is torn.

Pat Mineo tweetered videos of past Fernandes attempts to injure. These are bad, and enough misdeeds that Nickerson keeping him around is surprising.

Fernandes made a huge mistake in deliberately injuring Mama Lillard's son. She's a pit bull and has already contacted Nickerson, the AD, university officials, the B12, and the NCAA.
Here is Fernandes' first-period DQ loss to SDSU's Tanner Cook last year. It's brutal. Fernandes got the 5-on-3 in the first 5 sec, and he got worse as the match progressed. Head clubs, hard jabs, finger pulls, wrist hyperextensions ... all in under 2 minutes, and none from Cook.

Hahn pulled Cook when Fernandes injured his elbow with a trapped-arm overhook throw-by. The score was only 1-0, so it was obvious that the ref was not going to protect Cook from deliberate injury.

Here's the video. Fernandes held Lillard's leg extended and shelved, and knee-dropped Lillard's knee. Got a richly-earned DQ. Lillard's knee apparently is torn.

Pat Mineo tweetered videos of past Fernandes attempts to injure. These are bad, and enough misdeeds that Nickerson keeping him around is surprising.

Fernandes made a huge mistake in deliberately injuring Mama Lillard's son. She's a pit bull and has already contacted Nickerson, the AD, university officials, the B12, and the NCAA.
Nickerson is a dirtball if he doesn’t act quickly. This kid is clearly not going to stop. I forgot that Lee wrestled Fernandes, but I don’t want him anywhere near our guys in a bracket.
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Here's Askren after the Fernandes-Cook match. Askren was about ready to personally take out Fernandes.

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Facebook IMs between Fernandez' and Lillard's moms.
I understand her being upset her son was injured, but stop posting private conversations on social media. I mean, what is she trying to gain here? This new trend of DM'ing people, and then posting said conversation on social media is getting old. And while I understand her frustration completely, her son is likely a 21/22 year old man, and eventually should be fighting his own battles. I know I would not want my mom blasting all over SM when I was that age.
I understand her being upset her son was injured, but stop posting private conversations on social media. I mean, what is she trying to gain here? This new trend of DM'ing people, and then posting said conversation on social media is getting old. And while I understand her frustration completely, her son is likely a 21/22 year old man, and eventually should be fighting his own battles. I know I would not want my mom blasting all over SM when I was that age.
Yes and no. Agreed that she should not be posting the messages with Fernandes' mom. Also that she should not be engaging Fernandes' mom about it at all.

But Lillard is still a college student and powerless to protect himself against bad actors from other schools. Somebody has to do this for him. That leaves Escobedo and IU (who will probably do this privately, and have little influence in a different conference), and his mom.

Completely appropriate for her to draw public attention to those in power (meaning the Northern Colorado coaches and admins, B12 officials, and the NCAA).
Yes and no. Agreed that she should not be posting the messages with Fernandes' mom. Also that she should not be engaging Fernandes' mom about it at all.

But Lillard is still a college student and powerless to protect himself against bad actors from other schools. Somebody has to do this for him. That leaves Escobedo and IU (who will probably do this privately, and have little influence in a different conference), and his mom.

Completely appropriate for her to draw public attention to those in power (meaning the Northern Colorado coaches and admins, B12 officials, and the NCAA).
yeah I can def see your point, but I just hate this new trend of DM'ing people, with the direct intent to turn around and publish it on social media. I thought Fernandes' mom handled it very well tbh, although she might want to have a heart-to-heart with her son about his on-mat behavior. IMO the Indiana Coaches should have (and I assume they did) handle this with the AD and CO coaches immediately.
yeah I can def see your point, but I just hate this new trend of DM'ing people, with the direct intent to turn around and publish it on social media. I thought Fernandes' mom handled it very well tbh, although she might want to have a heart-to-heart with her son about his on-mat behavior. IMO the Indiana Coaches should have (and I assume they did) handle this with the AD and CO coaches immediately.

How would expect them to they "handle" it? They have no control over another school's athletic department. They can't kick Baylor Fernandes of the UNC wrestling team, or suspend him.

A concerned mother is trying to prevent more people from going through this.

And instead of recognizing a problem, we see another example of parents enabling the shitty behavior of their kids.
yeah I can def see your point, but I just hate this new trend of DM'ing people, with the direct intent to turn around and publish it on social media. I thought Fernandes' mom handled it very well tbh, although she might want to have a heart-to-heart with her son about his on-mat behavior. IMO the Indiana Coaches should have (and I assume they did) handle this with the AD and CO coaches immediately.
Facebook is a cancer on society
I coached her son to a GISA HS state championship when he was just an 8 grader in GA. He and his mom have stated publicly the adversity and physical challenges he’s faced and continues to face (brain tumor, seizure prone, ASD ect). Yeah she’s an outspoken momma bear 🐻 and Tyler is tough and resilient. She’s amplified her voice in this instance because of the repeated instances depicted well by MIneo, Willy, Askren and others. I think the DMs bring more attention as this is not a one off.

Tina told me the reason she put the mom's dms o. social media is THE FOLLOWING:

1. because I asked her for an invite for me, her, young men, and coaches if possible to sit down. She declined.

2. I told her to just b3 accountable. She declined

3. I requested She leave me alone. She declined.

Tina says: “I also got my son's permission to post. Keeps him out of it. I can't fight this...damage is done. Hopefully I can prevent it for any other student athlete.”

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How would expect them to they "handle" it? They have no control over another school's athletic department. They can't kick Baylor Fernandes of the UNC wrestling team, or suspend him.

A concerned mother is trying to prevent more people from going through this.

And instead of recognizing a problem, we see another example of parents enabling the shitty behavior of their kids.
On a related note, we wonder how predators like Nasser and Sandusky get away with things for so long. The victims get ignored or called crybabies or troublemakers. I glad she went Defcon 1 immediately.
yeah I can def see your point, but I just hate this new trend of DM'ing people, with the direct intent to turn around and publish it on social media. I thought Fernandes' mom handled it very well tbh, although she might want to have a heart-to-heart with her son about his on-mat behavior. IMO the Indiana Coaches should have (and I assume they did) handle this with the AD and CO coache immediately.
Fernandes' mom handled it as poorly as possible. Should've stayed out of it.

She's never going to have a heart to heart with her son. Her son has given her ample opportunity for that in the past, yet her attitude is aggressively defensive. She's an enabler.

I'd imagine that Hahn and SDSU had that same discussion with Nickerson, UNCO, and the B12 last year, and here we are again.
BTW, UNCO is not Fernandes' first school. Anybody know why he left Minny a couple years ago?

Unlikely that he suddenly became a problem in Greeley.
How would expect them to they "handle" it? They have no control over another school's athletic department. They can't kick Baylor Fernandes of the UNC wrestling team, or suspend him.

A concerned mother is trying to prevent more people from going through this.

And instead of recognizing a problem, we see another example of parents enabling the shitty behavior of their kids.
Baylor Fernandes has a history of deliberately attempting to injure opponents.

Tyler Lillard's mother is not the issue here.
Baylor Fernandes has a history of deliberately attempting to injure opponents.

Tyler Lillard's mother is not the issue here.

I think you're reading my response wrong.

I'm saying that Tyler Lillard's mom is doing the right thing and trying to help draw attention to this and get UNC to step in before someone else gets hurt.

Baylor Fernandes and his mom, the enabler, are the problem.
I think you're reading my response wrong.

I'm saying that Tyler Lillard's mom is doing the right thing and trying to help draw attention to this and get UNC to step in before someone else gets hurt.

Baylor Fernandes and his mom, the enabler, are the problem.
I was adding to your post, not disagreeing with it. Sorry for any confusion.
I understand her being upset her son was injured, but stop posting private conversations on social media. I mean, what is she trying to gain here? This new trend of DM'ing people, and then posting said conversation on social media is getting old. And while I understand her frustration completely, her son is likely a 21/22 year old man, and eventually should be fighting his own battles. I know I would not want my mom blasting all over SM when I was that age.
It appears that Lillard didn't start the DM, so I think whatever is said after that is fair game.
Tyler's brain tumor is on his optic nerve and causes visual impairment and epileptic seizures. He is wrestling because he enjoys it and because he is good at it and because the NCAA cleared him
I agree with her (Lillard) in this situation. However, if a headbutt, intentional or accidental, could cause serious damage to her son, then she is wrong letting him wrestle. Not the card she she be playing. My son wrestled for Columbia a few years back and needed to stop because of concussions. He is still suffering today.
I agree with her (Lillard) in this situation. However, if a headbutt, intentional or accidental, could cause serious damage to her son, then she is wrong letting him wrestle. Not the card she she be playing. My son wrestled for Columbia a few years back and needed to stop because of concussions. He is still suffering today.
The school, conference, and NCAA cleared him but the medical risk is still too great?
The school, conference, and NCAA cleared him but the medical risk is still too great?
Exactly…. ”also, my son has a brain tumor and the initial headbutt could have sent him into epileptic shock.” If true, he should not be wrestling collegiately, too great a risk for the kid and the opponent. Headbutt, knee to the head, etc are inevitable.
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