Another thing that Michigan is better at than Ohio St

Any school that gives a darn about molding young men and he would have been gone. There is a responsibility when you work with kids to conduct yourself in a way that models appropriate behavior. These kids may be getting NIL now, but they are still 18 to 22 years old.
The fact that they are 18-22 yrs old AND getting a ton of money through the NIL programs makes it all the more important for excellent role models and top discipline from the coaching staff.

Wonder how many of us would be alive or have a prison record had we been handed a half million or more as we went off to college.🤷🏾‍♂️
Once again you missed the point.
Further, players weren't skipping bowl games back then. It was a punishment. You can't use hindsight to judge that punishment when there were different norms back then.

Further still, this is only about soiling Penn St for that poster. Look at the arguments he's made. It's fine to promote an adult who has repeatedly driven under the influence even sending 2 people to the hospital AND it is fine for Ohio St to have paid Mo Clarett whatever an upscale apartment costs plus upscale SUV plus expensive jewelry, paid AJ Hawk tens of thousands of dollars, paid several other buckeye players in $500 handshakes BEFORE NIL EXISTED when this was against NCAA rules BUT a PSU player wearing a suit given to him for a national awards ceremony when he didn't have a suit to wear is just total travesty.

That poster has argued awfully hard to dismiss everything Ohio St and has only trashed Penn St. It's pretty obvious what that means.
Any school that gives a darn about molding young men and he would have been gone. There is a responsibility when you work with kids to conduct yourself in a way that models appropriate behavior. These kids may be getting NIL now, but they are still 18 to 22 years old.
No school does--they care about results.
You don't see a difference in how that was handled? You think pointing that out makes Penn State look ridiculous? This has nothing to do with Penn St and I dislike Michigan equally as much as I dislike Ohio St. But it is just plain obvious that Michigan has doing this right over Ohio St as well. Then again, what don't they have over Ohio St these days?

What makes the collective "us" look ridiculous is this type of constant whining about OSU cheating and being a bunch of terrible people and getting all the calls and whatever else fans invent. Having lived in Maryland, believe me -- Maryland fans do the same with us. It's a loser mentality. I always told my Terp friends that if they'd actually beat us for a change, none of this whining would exist. But the whining is a substitute for winning.

Being from Illinois growing up around ND fans, they were no different. ND couldn't keep up with Michigan or Ohio State or USC because everybody cheated and they were the only clean ones. Loser talk.

If I'm reading this correctly, Hartline and his buddy were drinking too much on his own private property and he crashed his ATV. Nobody was seriously hurt. It was obviously stupid, and I think he even admitted it.

There is a 0% chance you'd call for a wildly successful Penn State coach to be fired for doing the same thing. Absolutely 0% chance. And you know it.

Do you want Abdul Carter kicked off the team? Answer that question for me.
What makes the collective "us" look ridiculous is this type of constant whining about OSU cheating and being a bunch of terrible people and getting all the calls and whatever else fans invent. Having lived in Maryland, believe me -- Maryland fans do the same with us. It's a loser mentality. I always told my Terp friends that if they'd actually beat us for a change, none of this whining would exist. But the whining is a substitute for winning.

Being from Illinois growing up around ND fans, they were no different. ND couldn't keep up with Michigan or Ohio State or USC because everybody cheated and they were the only clean ones. Loser talk.

If I'm reading this correctly, Hartline and his buddy were drinking too much on his own private property and he crashed his ATV. Nobody was seriously hurt. It was obviously stupid, and I think he even admitted it.

There is a 0% chance you'd call for a wildly successful Penn State coach to be fired for doing the same thing. Absolutely 0% chance. And you know it.

Do you want Abdul Carter kicked off the team? Answer that question for me.
2 people went to the hospital in that 2nd DUI crash. Are we waiting until Hartline kills someone?
2 people went to the hospital in that 2nd DUI crash. Are we waiting until Hartline kills someone?

LOL. Google is your friend......I'm no Buckeye fan, but you're Reverend Lovejoy's wife screaming "what about the children?!?!". Neither guy was hurt beyond the bumps and bruises that come with being a jackass and crashing your ATV.

This is 10000% about Brian Hartline putting out elite WRs that torch us. If this were OSU's OL coach, you wouldn't care less.

Do you want Abdul Carter kicked off the team?
LOL. Google is your friend......I'm no Buckeye fan, but you're Reverend Lovejoy's wife screaming "what about the children?!?!". Neither guy was hurt beyond the bumps and bruises that come with being a jackass and crashing your ATV.

This is 10000% about Brian Hartline putting out elite WRs that torch us. If this were OSU's OL coach, you wouldn't care less.

Do you want Abdul Carter kicked off the team?
Why would I want Carter off the team for a misdemeanor charge and that hasn't even had its day in court? That's dumb. Is it 2 DUIs by a supposed adult who is modeling behavior for 100+ young men?

And if neither was hurt, why did they go to the hospital?

My only question is why are you looking to throw PSU under the bus for a very minor charge on a player when you are excusing repeated DUIs including one involving a crash sending 2 to the hospital by an Ohio St coordinator?
Why would I want Carter off the team for a misdemeanor charge and that hasn't even had its day in court? That's dumb. Is it 2 DUIs by a supposed adult who is modeling behavior for 100+ young men?

And if neither was hurt, why did they go to the hospital?

My only question is why are you looking to throw PSU under the bus for a very minor charge on a player when you are excusing repeated DUIs including one involving a crash sending 2 to the hospital by an Ohio St coordinator?

Throw PSU under the bus? Please. I don't think Carter should be kicked off, either. But you obviously are creating different standards because you're tired of OSU beating us. Just like we all are.

If Hartline were our WR coach, there is 0% chance you'd argue for his firing. And you absolutely know it. LOL.

Regardless, he's not getting fired so it's a moot point. Loser talk isn't going to magically fix our "can't win big games" problem. You're just searching for reasons to be a victim here.
Throw PSU under the bus? Please. I don't think Carter should be kicked off, either. But you obviously are creating different standards because you're tired of OSU beating us. Just like we all are.

If Hartline were our WR coach, there is 0% chance you'd argue for his firing. And you absolutely know it. LOL.

Regardless, he's not getting fired so it's a moot point. Loser talk isn't going to magically fix our "can't win big games" problem. You're just searching for reasons to be a victim here.
If he were a PSU coach with 2x DUIs, I would have been adamant about firing him. I would have wanted him fired after 1.

How do you stand in front of 100+ young men each year and say it's ok to get caught driving under the influence twice including sending people to the hospital but we expect something different from our student-athletes?

Winning is great but I wouldn't want winning while being a total hypocrite. Plus, they still have been owned by Michigan for 3 years while being complete hypocrites.
Why would I want Carter off the team for a misdemeanor charge and that hasn't even had its day in court? That's dumb. Is it 2 DUIs by a supposed adult who is modeling behavior for 100+ young men?

And if neither was hurt, why did they go to the hospital?

My only question is why are you looking to throw PSU under the bus for a very minor charge on a player when you are excusing repeated DUIs including one involving a crash sending 2 to the hospital by an Ohio St coordinator?
This is where you're a hypocrite after spending days blaming the tow truck driver
If he were a PSU coach with 2x DUIs, I would have been adamant about firing him. I would have wanted him fired after 1.

How do you stand in front of 100+ young men each year and say it's ok to get caught driving under the influence twice including sending people to the hospital but we expect something different from our student-athletes?

Winning is great but I wouldn't want winning while being a total hypocrite. Plus, they still have been owned by Michigan for 3 years while being complete hypocrites.
This is an outdated attitude and, no, you would have excused his behavior and blamed the bartender.
No doubt. But you'd also be amazed how much better you can play when you've bought an entire team of more highly rated players. For probably a decade or more, Ohio St has had more 5-star players on its roster than the rest of the Big 10 combined. That is a nearly insurmountable advantage.
This sounds like that Online Person from a year or two ago ---- he was obsessed with OSU.
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This is where you're a hypocrite after spending days blaming the tow truck driver
Should have had you pegged as a buckeye from the start. Trying to equate a player's misdemeanor and take this off topic to a 2nd DUI from a coordinator that sent 2 people to the hospital?

What's wrong with you? That has no logical connection whatsoever. You seem to be arguing that since a player made a mistake once that resulted in a misdemeanor that Ohio St should be promoting coaches that have twice been caught (who knows how many times not caught) driving under the influence including sending 2 people to the hospital. I don't think you will be satisfied until Hartline kills innocent people behind the wheel.
Should have had you pegged as a buckeye from the start. Trying to equate a player's misdemeanor and take this off topic to a 2nd DUI from a coordinator that sent 2 people to the hospital?

What's wrong with you? That has no logical connection whatsoever. You seem to be arguing that since a player made a mistake once that resulted in a misdemeanor that Ohio St should be promoting coaches that have twice been caught (who knows how many times not caught) driving under the influence including sending 2 people to the hospital. I don't think you will be satisfied until Hartline kills innocent people behind the wheel.
Now I'm an Ohio State fan?
A DUI is a DUI--regardless of age. You want different penalties for it.
Hartline doesn't have his job to be a role model--stop living in the 60s. Hartline's job, like all of our coaches, is to win games and develop players--he's not to be their dad.
Getting back on topic:

I follow both OSU and PSU as I have family ties to both. Very few people on this board hate Michigan more than I do.

That said in a way you have to give then credit. They openly cheated and knew that that they would get away with it. Who is going to punish them?

The NCAA? The same NCAA that spent 73M in legal fees to try to police the sport and lost 9-0 in the most politically divided Supreme Court in our lifetime? It almost takes talent to lose 9-0 in that court. The same NCAA whose new President openly said the Michigan won the NC " Fair and Square" before any meaningful investigation?

The CFP Committee? The Michigan AD is head of that committee!!!!

No , they will not be punished. Gene Smith who I know is a pretty unpopular person on this board came out and said that all Michigan wins over the last 3 years should have an * next to it. I doubt that will even happen.
Now I'm an Ohio State fan?
A DUI is a DUI--regardless of age. You want different penalties for it.
Hartline doesn't have his job to be a role model--stop living in the 60s. Hartline's job, like all of our coaches, is to win games and develop players--he's not to be their dad.
You are taking the same position as Ohio St fans and ONLY ATTACKING PSU for far, far less. What should we think of that?

Same penalty for a 2nd DUI no matter what age. If working with kids at any level, it is a no questions fireable offense. Nearly all college coaching job descriptions have this standard requirement:
  • Knowledge of and adherence to XYZ University, NCAA, and XYZ Conference rules and regulations are also required.
Notice it says adherence to, meaning you cannot drive under the influence of alcohol. Once is a fireable offense. Twice is an absolute must fire offense. That is unless you always put winning above doing the right thing. Ohio St is welcome to promote a 2X DUI offender if they like. But with it comes the statement that breaking the law multiple times is rewarded in that program. What do you think 100+ kids per year are going to think if they are disciplined? I think that they have a case to sue Ohio St. How can they be disciplined for anything if Ohio St is promoting coaches who have committed multiple crimes under Ohio St's watch? There are no rules except winning.
You are taking the same position as Ohio St fans and ONLY ATTACKING PSU for far, far less. What should we think of that?

Same penalty for a 2nd DUI no matter what age. If working with kids at any level, it is a no questions fireable offense. Nearly all college coaching job descriptions have this standard requirement:
  • Knowledge of and adherence to XYZ University, NCAA, and XYZ Conference rules and regulations are also required.
Notice it says adherence to, meaning you cannot drive under the influence of alcohol. Once is a fireable offense. Twice is an absolute must fire offense. That is unless you always put winning above doing the right thing. Ohio St is welcome to promote a 2X DUI offender if they like. But with it comes the statement that breaking the law multiple times is rewarded in that program. What do you think 100+ kids per year are going to think if they are disciplined? I think that they have a case to sue Ohio St. How can they be disciplined for anything if Ohio St is promoting coaches who have committed multiple crimes under Ohio St's watch? There are no rules except winning.
If Harrline was a Penn State coach I'd say the same thing. Unlike you I don't alter opinions based on who I'm talking about. A DUI is a DUI. If the coach or player has enough value they'll stay. If not, they'll be let go. Reality.

You're going to be real confused when Hartline gets a HC role because no one actually cares about the DUIs other than people like you or just want to bash another program that's most successful than ours.
If Harrline was a Penn State coach I'd say the same thing. Unlike you I don't alter opinions based on who I'm talking about. A DUI is a DUI. If the coach or player has enough value they'll stay. If not, they'll be let go. Reality.

You're going to be real confused when Hartline gets a HC role because no one actually cares about the DUIs other than people like you or just want to bash another program that's most successful than ours.
Was he ever charged? Wasnt it an atv on own property? I can’t remember him getting charged
Further, players weren't skipping bowl games back then. It was a punishment. You can't use hindsight to judge that punishment when there were different norms back then.

Further still, this is only about soiling Penn St for that poster. Look at the arguments he's made. It's fine to promote an adult who has repeatedly driven under the influence even sending 2 people to the hospital AND it is fine for Ohio St to have paid Mo Clarett whatever an upscale apartment costs plus upscale SUV plus expensive jewelry, paid AJ Hawk tens of thousands of dollars, paid several other buckeye players in $500 handshakes BEFORE NIL EXISTED when this was against NCAA rules BUT a PSU player wearing a suit given to him for a national awards ceremony when he didn't have a suit to wear is just total travesty.

That poster has argued awfully hard to dismiss everything Ohio St and has only trashed Penn St. It's pretty obvious what that means.
Hate to hear a grown man whine and cry. UGH
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No doubt. But you'd also be amazed how much better you can play when you've bought an entire team of more highly rated players. For probably a decade or more, Ohio St has had more 5-star players on its roster than the rest of the Big 10 combined. That is a nearly insurmountable advantage.
And.. if Natty’s won are the measuring stick.. one could argue that the Buckeyes..have failed… no other program (s) besides Bama and Georgia have had the talent ie 5 Stars etc than the Buckeyes.. you also have to give Michigan credit ( though I truly dislike them).. that Hairball got it done.. with actually on average a lower ruster of recruits than OSU

And now.. OSU has broke the bank with their NIL money.. biggest in NCAA.. they should be heavily.. heavily favored to win it all.. if not.. another failure…
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