Or....we could go right to the words of the "Settlement Expert"....Feinberg:
"It took months to resolve some cases. The point of contention, he (Feinberg)said, typically was the amount, not whether abuse had occurred"
"It appears as though Penn State made little effort, if any, to verify the credibility of the claims of the individuals," Eric N. Anderson, a lawyer who has handled cases of sexual-abuse allegations, said in a report of expert witness testimony released with the documents Tuesday."
"Feinberg said more than the merits of an allegation was considered in determining a case's settlement value.......another was the quality of the accuser's lawyer, Feinberg said."
"The mediators hardly ever met with the victims, Feinberg said. He and Rozen met with their lawyers, then met with Penn State lawyers to update them on progress."
"Penn State's board of trustees gave members on its legal subcommittee authority to oversee the process and apprise the rest of the board.
Feinberg said he met with subcommittee members in Philadelphia and gave them details on individual cases. He said settlement values of individual cases were discussed as well as demands."
____________'re right
But I'm on ignore...I love when you guys say that and still quote me or say please ignore everyone. You got it Barry...every single victim lied for the money and poor old Jerry was framed. The school botched so much up...never disputed that for a second. I don't think many really have to be honest, but you're on to something.