Article interviewing IOC member about Tokyo Olympics

Then I say what is all the big fuss about. Let it spread and deal with it when it does.
What’s the “big fuss”? It’s spreading like wildfire. Besides the significant health implications, the virus has already done consequential economic damage. The US stock market has lost $1.7 trillion in value in the last two days, and US businesses are now expected to show no growth in profits this year. Zero growth is thisclose to recession. Let’s pray we find a way to deal with it.

I thought this was a balanced video on the subject:
What’s the “big fuss”? It’s spreading like wildfire. Besides the significant health implications, the virus has already done consequential economic damage. The US stock market has lost $1.7 trillion in value in the last two days, and US businesses are now expected to show no growth in profits this year. Zero growth is thisclose to recession. Let’s pray we find a way to deal with it.

I thought this was a balanced video on the subject:
So I get that it is more contagious but less deadly. Also, remember that a lot of viruses die out in the warmer months. That is why flu season is in the winter. I still say when it is all said and done, we are going to look back and say, that it was just like the flu bug. The word virus seems to get people all shook up and filled with fear. I for one am not participating in this flu. I will not live in fear of a virus. If it comes into contact with me, I will do my best to recover, which most people do.
I don't have any specific information about this strain of coronavirus, but as a physician I am capable of reading the literature.
We have been unable, historically, to contain any viral strain that is easily communicable, has a period of time before symptoms are obvious where it is transmissible, and has a relatively low mortality rate.
We controlled ebola because it was highly fatal in a short term.
We controlled SARS because it was hard to transmit.
We won't contain this virus, it's just a matter of time before it spreads around the world.
Agree! I spent a considerable amount of time in vaccine development and production. This bug is going to make its rounds! Pushing it out with quarantines may help in the short term, but, by next fall it will be everywhere. Supply chains will be stressed, but, CDC/Industry cooperation is very good and treatment options will remain viable and effective. Our biggest advantage is a considerable array of new vaccine technologies that will produce efficacious and scalable vaccines in 12-18 months .... maybe sooner if this bug has a US mortality rate over 1%.
Flu bugs don't die out in the summer. We are just in less close proximity so it doesn't get transmitted as much.
Viruses have no political or economic thoughts.
It is only affecting the market because of our perceptions of what is going on. In part due to the lack of transparency for getting out good information, in part because other countries are not always honest or capable of getting good information.
There are few actual anti viral meds and it takes time to get a vaccine, so handwashing and other good practices of hygiene is, in fact, our best defense.
In the history of the world, the most effective thing in all time that prevented or limited man's diseases is the advent of the sewer system.
Which, I believe, dates back to the romans.
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Completely placing aside the human impact from a health and medical perspective for the moment, and focusing only on the social and economic impacts:

My uneducated take on the subject is that the initial quarantine of 11 Million people in Hunan although draconian made sense, as a too little to late, hail Mary attempt to contain the virus in that one region, and potentially defeat it entirely.

So yes that is an epicenter of production for the globe and the effects on manufacturing, supply chains had a temporary but short term ripple effect through the global economy.

Now that we have caes in 30+ countries the cat is out if the bag so to speak. We will see this virus go after the same locations through many different tentacles, no longer driven via the global reach of a relatively small number of international travelers.

Unless this virus has an outrageous mortalitay rate of say 30%, which it clearly does not, I honestly don't understand the value of continued "mass closures", quaranteens, and cancellations that are now starting to sweep the globe. This virus is with us now for at least the next year or two if not forever. To see these actions essentially force us into a global recession costing millions of job and all the other negative effects that come with it seems counterproductive and ultimately "ineffective".

This genie is already out if the bottle. Is going about our normal lives with a renewed focus on disinfecting surfaces, cleanliness, hand washing, the sick self isolating, the very sick seeking emergency treatment, and the list goes on... make just as much sense with not nearly as much economic damage, until viable treatments and eventually a vaccine eventually become available, such a ridiculous idea?
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