Landof10.com: No. 2 Penn State wrestling vs. No. 1 Oklahoma State for NWCA Dual Championship: Meet time, how to watch, listen online
NowsOK.com: Top-ranked Cowboys fueled by in-state wrestlers entering Penn State dual
(not a lot of sympathy for John Smith -- out-of-state tuition at Ok. St. is cheaper than it is at PSU)
CDT: Nation's top two teams ready to tangle in No. 1 Oklahoma State and No. 2 Penn State
Tulsa World: Oklahoma State has sense of urgency going into national championship dual against No. 2 Penn State
Stillwater News Press: Smith says Sunday dual could be future of wrestling
(geez, looks like the horse's corpse is getting flogged again)
Evansville Courier & Press: Back-to-back -- Mater Dei's Joe Lee wins 152-pound state title
(this is a good article)
Post Bulletin: KoMets blast through 1AA field
(Brady Berge's team advances to State Dual Championships)
Black Shoe Diaries: National Dual Preview -- No. 2 Penn State at No. 1 Oklahoma State
(another nice match-by-match preview by them)
Landof10.com: No. 2 Penn State wrestling vs. No. 1 Oklahoma State for NWCA Dual Championship: Meet time, how to watch, listen online
NowsOK.com: Top-ranked Cowboys fueled by in-state wrestlers entering Penn State dual
(not a lot of sympathy for John Smith -- out-of-state tuition at Ok. St. is cheaper than it is at PSU)
CDT: Nation's top two teams ready to tangle in No. 1 Oklahoma State and No. 2 Penn State
Tulsa World: Oklahoma State has sense of urgency going into national championship dual against No. 2 Penn State
Stillwater News Press: Smith says Sunday dual could be future of wrestling
(geez, looks like the horse's corpse is getting flogged again)
Evansville Courier & Press: Back-to-back -- Mater Dei's Joe Lee wins 152-pound state title
(this is a good article)
Post Bulletin: KoMets blast through 1AA field
(Brady Berge's team advances to State Dual Championships)
Black Shoe Diaries: National Dual Preview -- No. 2 Penn State at No. 1 Oklahoma State
(another nice match-by-match preview by them)