August 6, 1918 – Hottest Day In Washington DC History
August 6, 2017
Over the past century, August 6
afternoon temperatures
have plummeted in the US.
On August 6, 1918
one third of the US was over 100F,
about ten times the area of last year – the official “hottest year ever.”
August 6, 1918 tied for the hottest day on record in Washington DC, at 106 degrees,
and Maryland tied for their hottest day at 109 degrees.
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan was 108 degrees,
thirty degrees hotter than today’s forecast.
August 6, 1930 had
even more widespread heat than 1918, but not as intense.
Climate experts continue to push claims of record heat this week,
Meven as half of the US is facing near record cold.
On August 5, 1961 Burbank, Washington was 118 degrees.
That was 16 degrees hotter than they got during this week’s fake news record heat.
Climate experts are paid to lie about the climate, so that is what they do.
August 6, 2017
Over the past century, August 6
afternoon temperatures
have plummeted in the US.
On August 6, 1918
one third of the US was over 100F,
about ten times the area of last year – the official “hottest year ever.”
August 6, 1918 tied for the hottest day on record in Washington DC, at 106 degrees,
and Maryland tied for their hottest day at 109 degrees.
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan was 108 degrees,
thirty degrees hotter than today’s forecast.
August 6, 1930 had
even more widespread heat than 1918, but not as intense.
Climate experts continue to push claims of record heat this week,
Meven as half of the US is facing near record cold.
On August 5, 1961 Burbank, Washington was 118 degrees.
That was 16 degrees hotter than they got during this week’s fake news record heat.
Climate experts are paid to lie about the climate, so that is what they do.