Barbour - over $1 Million per year.

Without question.

Par for the course at PSU?


PSU hired the AD who was ridden out of town on a rail at her previous two stops (Including Cal - where she put the Cal ICA into a 100-year debt hole)

But they are now paying here THREE TIMES what she was paid at Cal - to establish the same "orgy-spending" mentality at Penn State
The two big revenue sports are football and Men's BB. Football just finished 9-4 and MBB is last in the BiG. Just think how much she would have made if football made the playoff and MBB was headed to the NCAA tournament.
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Has Sandy even hired a coach at Penn state yet? The AD that brought Franklin and Cal was Joyner if I'm not mistaken. What has Sandy done to get a paycheck like this? Is she getting the big donations in from alumni? I must be missing something.
Has Sandy even hired a coach at Penn state yet? The AD that brought Franklin and Cal was Joyner if I'm not mistaken. What has Sandy done to get a paycheck like this? Is she getting the big donations in from alumni? I must be missing something.

Women's gymnastics and hockey.
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Both because those coaches were accused of abusing players.
Complaints - in both instances - that she and her Minions of “Student-Athlete Welfare” administrators - like Charmell Green - ignored, until the kids took their complaints to the press (The Collegian, IIRC)

Wasn't Green also involved in the Kaidanov fiasco? How she remains employed......oh, never mind.
For the three cents it's worth my feeling was that Chambers is back next year based simply on the fact that he got an extension. Only thing that would have thrown a wrench into that is if he major shit the bed e.g. 5-25 and/or ofer the Big Ten schedule. I think he's done enough to survive unless the team suffers a major collapse.

Also, I agree with Barry. His buyout is probably standard e.g. annual guaranteed comp times number of years remaining on the contract. That reinforces my opinion on why he's retained.
We're talking Penn State. We're talking Penn State Men's Basketball. I agree with question Chambers is back next year...he saved his job when he won his first Big 10 game. As history has clearly demonstrated, a winning basketball program is not important to PSU.
During Barbour’s tenure, Penn State has won five NCAA championships in women’s soccer, women’s volleyball and wrestling. In addition, the Nittany Lions have won 20 Big Ten championships and five EIVA titles in 12 different sports.

The most recent NCAA graduation rates study released last November showed that Penn State student athletes earned a Graduation Success Rate of 90 percent, tying the school record from the previous year. Eight teams earned a 100 percent GSR.

Penn State also launched a strategic planning process in Barbour’s first year, leading to the new Morgan Academic Center. A comprehensive master plan announced in 2017 provided a 20-year proposal for addressing the needs for all the university’s athletic facilities.
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Without question.

Par for the course at PSU?


PSU hired the AD who was ridden out of town on a rail at her previous two stops (Including Cal - where she put the Cal ICA into a 100-year debt hole)

But they are now paying here THREE TIMES what she was paid at Cal - to establish the same "orgy-spending" mentality at Penn State
She checks off several boxes for the University. Hopefully the new deputy is the heir apparent. What has she done as AD? Nothing that I can recall. Joyner hired most of the star coaches... but she is safe if not effective. That’s all the machine wants. Top ten Athletic Dept raking in $$$ because of football.
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During Barbour’s tenure, Penn State has won five NCAA championships in women’s soccer, women’s volleyball and wrestling. In addition, the Nittany Lions have won 20 Big Ten championships and five EIVA titles in 12 different sports.

The most recent NCAA graduation rates study released last November showed that Penn State student athletes earned a Graduation Success Rate of 90 percent, tying the school record from the previous year. Eight teams earned a 100 percent GSR.

Penn State also launched a strategic planning process in Barbour’s first year, leading to the new Morgan Academic Center. A comprehensive master plan announced in 2017 provided a 20-year proposal for addressing the needs for all the university’s athletic facilities.
Thank you, Penn State Department of Public Relations.
The table was already set. In 2012-2013 Penn State finished in 6th place in the NACDA's Directors Cup standings. In 2013-2014 they finished 5th. In the next four years since she took over they finished 8th twice, adequate but hardly progress.
The top men's sports are football and basketball - football has progressed for obvious reasons and basketball has regressed. The top women's sport, basketball, has become a disaster after three straight conference championships.
But I'm sure the 20-year proposal has a lot of glossy pictures and a nice cover and provides a generous administrative budget.
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Because of the delay in reporting..... none of the PSU “GSR” numbers would encompass Barbour’s years as PSU AD.
(I’d say “Of course, you know that”..... but you may be the one person stupid enough to NOT know that :) )
We do know, however, that in her tenure at Cal - academic performance and grad rates went in the shitter
(Of course, the entire NCAA GSR is complete and utter nonsense - a tailor-made talking/masturbation point for idiots like you)

“Launched” a strategic plan?
Is saying “I wanna’ build a whole lot of grossly overpriced shit that won’t do a damn bit of good for anyone” (but I haven’t the foggiest idea how to pay for it) = Launching a strategic plan?
Of course, Babs couldn’t even do that..... she needed to hire an expensive consultant to help locate her own abundant ass..... with 4 hands, a flashlight, and a map.

How much do they compensate you to fellate and lick these people?
Or do you just enjoy doing it gratis?
When she was hired everyone was lamenting about the future downfall of PSU’s graduation rates of its student athletes, but I’m sure you weren’t one of those folks. Now that it didn’t happen they criticize it a meaningless statistic, when in fact they were dead wrong. In fact our athletes’ academic success is outstanding. And quit the juvenile personal attacks when your wrong on an issue. It doesn’t help your election bid.
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When she was hired everyone was lamenting about the future downfall of PSU’s graduation rates of its student athletes, but I’m sure you weren’t one of those folks. Now that it didn’t happen they criticize it a meaningless statistic, when in fact they were dead wrong. In fact our athletes’ academic success is outstanding. And quit the juvenile personal attacks when your wrong on an issue. It doesn’t help your election bid.

I don't think so. We were aware of her track record in that regard at Cal and critical of it. But I don't recall anyone anticipating a decline in graduation of athletes given PSU's historical emphasis on it.
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Do you even have any semblance of an idea how to trace your jibberish back to the topic at hand? (Pro Tip: Get yourself a shitload of ChapStick)

You’re back to muzzle land, clown.
Just love it when Barry is stumping for votes. He really knows how to work the people.
You're right, the argument is insane. When comparing ADs' salaries one also needs to compare accomplishments and scope. None of us are in a position to do that. Alternatively, one can move to the other extreme and posit that just because other universities are stupid enough to pay unmerited compensation PSU does not have to do the same. On further thought, forget that as a possibility.

So let's keep it simple and stick with what we know. When someone gets a substantial increase in compensation one expects that there are accomplishments to explain that. Who wants to start the list?
I will start the list of accomplishments

1. Sandy Barbour has never burnt toast in my kitchen. While I was there.

Who’s got next?
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A bargain at one-tenth the price.
Could at least use that money to buy a basketball coach.

2 basketball coaches....

That is max individual contributions. I think your employer can put in whatever they want

I believe there are limits to what an employer can contribute based upon the makeup of salaries and employer contributions within the whole plan. Not sure of the details..... Sluggo above covered it!

she'd sue

Or Elizabeth Warren or another defender of the disadvantaged would step in to defend her and get her the money she "deserves"

Nobody would fault PSU for firing Chambers after this season. He was given more than an adequate chance here.

And it's not just about getting time or a chance. Any competent manager that has watched the performance of both basketball teams can see that their performance is erratic, not consistent with the talent on hand, and that their coaches are both not competent in game management which results in consistent lapses in performance during long stretches of games that results in losses to less talented teams and losses in close games.
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If her salary upsets you stop paying it. Don't buy tickets, don't answer fundraising calls.
Who wants to start the list?

I asked this exact question and I was accused of being a bigot... not sure where that troll went, but I just don't see any tangible thing she has done to warrant a 5 year contract extension, let alone one that came with a ridiculous raise. I'm still in shock and I just don't understand.
I don't know if the salary is deserved or not, but I would venture to guess that the Athletic Dept. was screwed up organizationally, with deadwood all over the place. Joe was around so long and I think a lot of the decisions were made by him. People are always criticizing her for hiring a bunch of assistants, but there may have been no choice except to hire your way out of a total mess. If you have ever been in such a situation, you know what I am talking about.
I asked this exact question and I was accused of being a bigot... not sure where that troll went, but I just don't see any tangible thing she has done to warrant a 5 year contract extension, let alone one that came with a ridiculous raise. I'm still in shock and I just don't understand.

In my view, she's a C-/D+. How do I get there? Basically I start with a C, which I would for everyone. She's maintained department performance, athletic and academic, that she inherited. Where there is better on-field and/or in the classroom performance during her tenure, the foundation was established by a predecessor.

Facilities are a push. On the plus side, she has improved or taken steps to improve extant football facilities. save the most important one. On the other, her Master Plan is prolonged labor at best or an embarrassing, expensive abortion at worst.

Financial discipline has gone down the shitter as evidenced by the major increase in administrative costs of the Department. When I, and others, have raised this issue the retort is along the lines of "it's needed for PSU to catch up with the competition that has similar staff levels." Okay, but in my world when money, lots of it, is spent a result, a commensurate or better improvement is expected. Where is it? Deduct at least half a grade.

Can things improve? Of course and perceptibly quickly because there is lots to which we aren't privy. But in the immortal words of Ross Perot, "I'm all ears."
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I don't know if the salary is deserved or not, but I would venture to guess that the Athletic Dept. was screwed up organizationally, with deadwood all over the place. Joe was around so long and I think a lot of the decisions were made by him. People are always criticizing her for hiring a bunch of assistants, but there may have been no choice except to hire your way out of a total mess. If you have ever been in such a situation, you know what I am talking about.

If the Athletic Department were in the dire straits you suggest one would expect to see a perceptible improvement in performance as a result of all of the hiring. Where is it?
If the Athletic Department were in the dire straits you suggest one would expect to see a perceptible improvement in performance as a result of all of the hiring. Where is it?

It depends where the problem areas were. You might notice the improvement in areas you don't really think about, like the website, buying tickets, etc.

When you have deadwood that you can't/won't fire you put them on stuff that isn't going to sink the whole ship.

This is the kind of stuff that happens in a bureaucracy which is essentially what universities are

I am not saying that fixing this stuff means you deserve a million dollar salary. But it is not easy
It depends where the problem areas were. You might notice the improvement in areas you don't really think about, like the website, buying tickets, etc.

When you have deadwood that you can't/won't fire you put them on stuff that isn't going to sink the whole ship.

In other words you have no answer.
No that was not what I said. I guess maybe you don't have much experience organizationally, or walking into a horribly broken situation. I wouldn't wish it on anyone

Gonna just guess that I have a lot more than you do.

So what was so "horribly broken" at PSU?
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I wouldn’t evaluate Barbour relative to anyone else’s work, or relative to any other standards than “competency”.

As such, HER body of work is a complete and utter f^ck up. (Which - FWIW - should have come as a surprise to exactly no one .... no one who devoted even 1/20th of the power of a typical human brain to her historical ledger. Obviously :) )

What else is relevant vav her work at PSU?

Fair enough but what has she been so totally incompetent with?

You can say she should have fired Chambers last year but that was a judgment call and many ADs would have kept him.
Are you trying to pull my chain? :)

No, I would honestly like to know. I am open to the idea that we have an incompetent AD. I am skeptical that she is worse than TC. because I don't think that is possible. But I honestly don't know what she has done that is so bad.
No, I would honestly like to know. I am open to the idea that we have an incompetent AD. I am skeptical that she is worse than TC. because I don't think that is possible. But I honestly don't know what she has done that is so bad.

You are aware she counted loan money as revenue, right? I'm not aware of the previous 'incompetent' administration doing that.
You are aware she counted loan money as revenue, right? I'm not aware of the previous 'incompetent' administration doing that.

No, like I said I do not know why people say she is incompetent but I am open to the possibility of it. I don't audit the AD's financial statements or have time to even look at them. I don't know any details about what you are saying. I don't remember hearing about it.

You could tell me she is too incompetent to get out of bed in the morning and I would still say it's a step up over TC, who may have been the textbook example of the Peter principle
No, like I said I do not know why people say she is incompetent but I am open to the possibility of it. I don't audit the AD's financial statements or have time to even look at them. I don't know any details about what you are saying. I don't remember hearing about it.

You could tell me she is too incompetent to get out of bed in the morning and I would still say it's a step up over TC, who may have been the textbook example of the Peter principle

Did Curley put his institution in hock for 100 years?

Did Curley fiddle while the graduation rates of his football and basketball teams went through the floor and became the laughingstock of the conference?
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Did Curley put his institution in hock for 100 years?

Did Curley fiddle while the graduation rates of his football and basketball teams went through the floor and became the laughingstock of the conference?

C'mon you are smarter than that. He loses the comparison game with any AD in U.S. history.

Do not fvcking patronize me and answer the goddam questions.

Answer my questions. What has she done that was so incompetent? What are the details of the loan that was reported as revenue? Where was that done? Was it improper or allowed to be reported that way? How do you know no such thing was done under the previous AD?
Within an organization the more you pay someone the easier it is to control them. This BOT has taken the concept to extremes, and we know why.

This is true, but I think all we are seeing is a small example of the bubble of major college sports at its peak. It will crash spectacularly one day. The schools that avoid massive capital investments will live through it. The large annual salaries are weird but will be irrelevant in the long run. I hope that PSU never attempts the absurd $500 million renovation of Beaver Stadium. That is the one that will sink the ship
It’s OK to not care. Really. Truly.
It’s OK to only care about one thIng (The Men’s Hoops Coach)

But don’t “not care”, and CHOSE complete ignorance on the subject - and then pose as if you do.

That’s just f^cked up. And not OK

I'm not choosing ignorance on the subject. My opinion that TC was incompetent goes back more than 15 years and, in general, I only saw things that reaffirmed it.

Is SB incompetent? I don't know. Certainly she knew how to get herself paid. I'm not sure what I think about that. She hasn't made a big hire here yet. I'll probably form an opinion based on her hires
You said yourself, “I don’t have the time”, or some such thing.

That’s fine. But only so long as you don’t propose to have any of the knowledge that would require expending such time.
Or, so long as you don’t suppose that those who do expend that time and effort wouldn’t have a much better understanding of the situation.

That’s all.

That's totally out of context, which is not surprising coming from this crowd. I said I didn't have time to review financial statements (meaning that I don't normally review PSU financials) and asked what are the details about the loan that was reported as income. I don't know anything about it. i tried searching for news about it, but there was none. Was that allowed or was it improper? If it was the latter it is a big red flag. If it was allowed, then I am not sure what we are talking about.
You have been hand-fed that information, and much much more - on several occasions...... but claim you “don’t have time”.


You gave me zero information other than a statement that a loan was reported as income. You didn't specify where this was reported or when. Link? Source? Are we all supposed to be CPAs who just pick up on that and run it all the way to the ground?

Just answer the question, man. Ironic.



Enjoy your night young man.

Excuse me? I don't drink, weirdo. You won't answer because you don't have an answer. You have an awkward set of non-sequitur insults that don't even make sense.

Here is a question for you - has the operating reserve increased or decreased over the last five years?

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