In a desperate attempt to show his platform is more Texan than Californian, Beto does "cool" photo ops at that Texas fast food institution, Whataburger. And yet he's down in the polls by nine (9). Cruz is so comfortable with his lead he cancelled one of three scheduled "debates." Actually, it wasn't a debate. It was a town hall on CNN, so who can blame him!
Lessons learned: out-of-state liberals can throw all the money in the world ($61M at last count vs. Cruz's $25M) and still not buy an election when their candidate's values are as alien to Texans as the man on the moon.
Anyway, check this dude out. He thinks he's 'too cool for school'. That $hit might work when running for student council president but not the U.S. Senate.
Lessons learned: out-of-state liberals can throw all the money in the world ($61M at last count vs. Cruz's $25M) and still not buy an election when their candidate's values are as alien to Texans as the man on the moon.
Anyway, check this dude out. He thinks he's 'too cool for school'. That $hit might work when running for student council president but not the U.S. Senate.