Just when you thought you've seen it all. Now that Mueller has no more indictments it's intentions which matter...
“You have a president, who, in my opinion, beyond the shadow of a doubt, sought to -- however ham-handedly -- collude with the Russian government -- a foreign power -- to undermine and influence our elections,” O’Rourke said at a town hall in Charleston, South Carolina.
“If you are wondering about collusion then when you saw the President of the United States standing next to leader of Russia on that stage in Helsinki, Finland, defending him and taking his word for it against our own intelligence community in our country, in (conservative columnist) George Will’s words not mine, that is collusion in action. Ultimately, I believe this will be decided at the ballot box in 2020 by you, by me, by all of us in this country,” he added.
Consider this. If the sight of Trump standing next to Putin concerns you, then Beto with Putin should scare the living daylights out of you! That's assuming you've a pulse. If not then back to sleep.
George "Over the Hill" Will needs to stick to waxing about baseball.
“You have a president, who, in my opinion, beyond the shadow of a doubt, sought to -- however ham-handedly -- collude with the Russian government -- a foreign power -- to undermine and influence our elections,” O’Rourke said at a town hall in Charleston, South Carolina.
“If you are wondering about collusion then when you saw the President of the United States standing next to leader of Russia on that stage in Helsinki, Finland, defending him and taking his word for it against our own intelligence community in our country, in (conservative columnist) George Will’s words not mine, that is collusion in action. Ultimately, I believe this will be decided at the ballot box in 2020 by you, by me, by all of us in this country,” he added.
Consider this. If the sight of Trump standing next to Putin concerns you, then Beto with Putin should scare the living daylights out of you! That's assuming you've a pulse. If not then back to sleep.
George "Over the Hill" Will needs to stick to waxing about baseball.