Big win for Pitt last night

You beat Nova and Ball State. Illinois and Indy are a toss up. You lose the rest, including Maryland. Illinois is better than both of the teams that beat you.

If you play cream puffs every week, you have no attrition. you’ve played a garbage schedule and lost to two very mediocre teams.
Illinois is not a good team. They came out against PSU with seven offensive lineman and nobody was smart enough to figure out you can’t play base defense against that formation and Illinois ran the ball all day. BTW Virginia beat Illinois 42-3.say what you want about Pitt but they score points Illinois scored 10 against PSU , that isn’t nearly enough to beat Pitt. And PSU OFFENSE HAS BEEN A MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT.
Illinois is not a good team. They came out against PSU with seven offensive lineman and nobody was smart enough to figure out you can’t play base defense against that formation and Illinois ran the ball all day. BTW Virginia beat Illinois 42-3.say what you want about Pitt but they score points Illinois scored 10 against PSU , that isn’t nearly enough to beat Pitt. And PSU OFFENSE HAS BEEN A MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT.
Penn State has played 5, maybe 6 teams better than every team on Pitt’s schedule. Ill is better than Miami and directional Michigan. Ball State beat Western MI handily.
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They're looking pretty good to go 10-2 and win their ACC division now...while we're stuck in the Suck. Stuck in the Suck. Has a ring to it.

True confessions: I'm a Penn State fan who doesn't hate Pitt, which may be a disqualifier for membership in the club.

Instead I grew up hating the SEC and (then) SWC. Never cared much about Pitt one way or the other. Just another easy W for a long time.

Then they got good for a decade or so starting in the mid-70's. Some great games between us during that period. A true rivalry. Just another good thing killed by the Suck.

Best team in PA. this year
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Penn State has played 5, maybe 6 teams better than every team on Pitt’s schedule. Ill is better than Miami and directional Michigan. Ball State beat Western MI handily.
I had a whiskey and probably shouldn’t respond but who? Auburn better then UT at UT? UNC or Maryland? Va Tech versus Ill? I get you hate Pitt but be realistic. Would PSU beat Pitt this year maybe but nobody will ever know.
I had a whiskey and probably shouldn’t respond but who? Auburn better then UT at UT? UNC or Maryland? Va Tech versus Ill? I get you hate Pitt but be realistic. Would PSU beat Pitt this year maybe but nobody will ever know.
Well, you kinda ignored Ohio State, Wisky, Iowa, Michigan. With Sparty coming up. And yes Auburn > Tennessee. AND Illinois probably > V Tech.
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Tallest midget in the room.
You are right. I enjoy you keep repeating yourself. Pitt and the ACC suck. Should only play Ivy teams. The league hasn’t won a Natty in “what” 19 years. Can’t you use the one eye man in the land of the blind? It is more eloquent and more quoted.
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You are right. I enjoy you keep repeating yourself. Pitt and the ACC suck. Should only play Ivy teams. The league hasn’t won a Natty in “what” 19 years. Can’t you use the one eye man in the land of the blind? It is more eloquent and more quoted.
The B1G has three top ten teams, while the ACC has zero…….so there is that.
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PSU doesn’t really fit in the ACC and regarding the all sport eastern conference it was Syracuse that killed. Please don’t forget how PSU left the Eastern Eight basketball league. And y’all are right ACC football stinks horrible. Some of the worst QB in the NCAA.
Syracuse didn’t want any part of Paterno’s deal that everyone will kept their own football revenue but basketball revenue should be split among the conference schools. At the time the Big East was packing the Carrier Dome with Georgetown,St John’s, Villanova and PSU BASKETBALL was not generating any $$$$ to contribute to the revenue share. It was a bad deal for Syracuse
PSU has underachieved. They have had two key injuries which have really hurt. Clifford is not the same but is gutting it out. Mustipher loss is just as big as a banged up QB. Don’t understand why Pitt is even being discussed here. Even in their best year, they are meaningless. So let them have their fun. They don’t matter.
PSU has underachieved. They have had two key injuries which have really hurt. Clifford is not the same but is gutting it out. Mustipher loss is just as big as a banged up QB. Don’t understand why Pitt is even being discussed here. Even in their best year, they are meaningless. So let them have their fun. They don’t matter.
I agree with you