Bill Walton and co announcer insulting each other at Arizona- Oregon game now.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2010
Walton at it again. He and his co announcer (forget his name) are just throwing jabs at each other left and right during the game. Walton sounding as flighty and condescending as ever. Every time I hear him do a game I just hear the circus music playing in my head over and over in the background. ;)
Yeah, his partner is Dave Pasch (my youngest brother's brother in law, BTW). I don't know how Pasch puts up with him. Pasch is very good. Former Syracuse PBP guy, and current Arizona Cardinals radio PBP guy, along with his ESPN college FB and BB. Listening to Walton gets real tired real fast.
Camera goes to Oregon cheerleader. Walton: "Whoa, oh my lord"

Pasch: I seriously think you lost your mind a while back.

Walton: I didn't lose my mind, I spent all day reading Einstein!

Pasch: You said you were studying film of these two teams.

This post was edited on 3/14 11:54 PM by PSUriseANDfire
did Walton have a lot of dental work done?

I always had a hard time understanding what he was saying. Sounds like he has a mouth full of cotton
And yeah, I think Pasch is one of my favorite PbP guys in college basketball. He deserves a better gig. Good voice and smart.
Thanks, I forgot his name. I can't believe how he can put up with him either. It's unreal the insults he's been giving him all game. Walton literally went off on a tangent saying "we are in Nevada which means snowy mountain by the way". Pasch said "I didn't know that". Walton then flatly says (in a very condescending tone)- "maybe you should read more".
Seems pretty good natured to me. Like two guys giving each other some crap. Seems like pasch is just going along with the freak show that is Walton. I'm actually pretty amused by him but I can see where he could be very annoying to others. I'll take him over Dickie v any day.
Now Walton goes off on a sideshow story about how Arizona was not populated until after World War II with advances in refrigeration which allowed people to finally move there. Totally ignoring the game. After a basket Pasch says 'transitioning back to the game.....basket by Arizona'. Walton then says 'well speaking of transitioning.....if you understood the principles of transition basketball maybe you have a better understanding of the game'. I don't know how Pasch puts up with him.

This post was edited on 3/15 12:29 AM by psu00
Really don't think Walton was directing that at pasch. He seemed to be saying it to the general viewing audience. I just rewound to listen again.
I'm not so sure. ;). It was about the third or fourth time tonight that Walton's made some comment at Pasch about if you knew about 'X' , you would understand the game better. In any event just listening to his unhinged announcing is both laughable and frustrating at the same time. Arizona killing the Ducks 80-50 with 2 min to go. ;)

This post was edited on 3/15 1:31 AM by psu00
Really,it's not possible tot tell who Walton is talking to at any given time. He may have actually thought he was talking to the cirque de soleil guy still. It is always possible that he is having a flashback or actually tripping. I Have to believe pasch knows this too.

Maybe you need to ask yourself it you've ever looked up from the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
LOL. I agree he's pretty nutty in his announcing. I actually did wonder if he was tripping earlier tonight. ;).

I've never looked up from the floor of the Grand Canyon. However..........I have looked at the floor of the Grand Canyon while nosediving in a plane. Not a great memory.
Have Caught Walton A Couple Times Recently - He's Pretty Crazy!

He and David Letterman could mess each other up pretty easily.....
when I saw the Dead at Shoreline in 2004

Originally posted by Grant Green:
Really,it's not possible tot tell who Walton is talking to at any given time. He may have actually thought he was talking to the cirque de soleil guy still. It is always possible that he is having a flashback or actually tripping. I Have to believe pasch knows this too.

Maybe you need to ask yourself it you've ever looked up from the bottom of the Grand Canyon.
I had VIP seating about 8 seats away from Walton

I think we both had a great time he would never remember. ;)
awful behavior. they need to take him off the air

no defense for the things I have read that he said to the play by play guy. Totally unprofessional and totally wong
That was a great one. He is like a cross of the pilots in Airplane and Fred Willard is best in show.
Originally posted by PSUriseANDfire:

Have you ever been at the foot of an active volcano?!

No, it's on my to do list.
Bill was doing that 'if you know anything about ... " shtick ...;.

when he was on NBA telecasts. it's not aimed at anyone in particular
he did it once to a bunch of us during pre-game dinner before a Sixers game about a Grateful dead point he wanted to make
I think Bill has smoked too much weed over the years, good example of why it shouldn't be legalized.
Supposedly Coach Wooden helped him get over his problem with public speaking (which may have included stuttering) during his time at UCLA.

Where I'm from we call it 'diarrhea of the mouth'. The coach probably should have kept that genie in the bottle.

Maybe Bill can transition to the Dennis Miller talk show or catch on as press secretary for some of the emerging Republican presidential candidates (Cruz, Jindal, etc.).