If he didn’t realize how bad the sanctions would be, he needs a better agent. He didn’t keep the seniors together—Zordich and Mauti did. O’Brien wanted to handle the immediate transfer situation by imposing a deadline for players to declare if the were staying or going and fortunately the Mikes talked him out of it. Besides, where in my post did I claim he didn’t do a good job as opposed to him planning to use PSU as a stepping stone to an NFL gig? Maybe you are his agent based on the sensitivity of your post. My only genuine criticism is that he tried to “justify” his taking the Texans job because the JoeBots “drove” him out of town. What a crock of BS.Because he came here not even knowing how bad sanctions would be. Because he came here when no one else of any stature would. Because he was able to keep most of the recruits in a good class committed. Because he was able to weather a tsunami of bad press and constant attacks and keep himself, the staff, and the team focused on the job at hand. Because he managed to keep most guys from leaving after the insane sanctions were announced. Because he worked with the seniors to rally the team to a record far better than any one ....ANY ONE.....though possible. Because he limited damage enough that the program was able to quickly rebound. Because he did all this in spite a shitpile of a board of trustees that not only did not support the program but attacked it.
And that’s not enough for you?