We are in a period of hyper-partisianship with all being partly responsible for our current state where we have 'enemies' not just fellow citizens we disagree with. There are many examples going back decades where one person/group will call others their enemy.
A disagreement on policy or view should not make someone your enemy. Conflicting viewpoints have been around forever but treating all who think different as your enemy is dangerous. If you want to breed violence all you need to do is lower the view you have of others. Pretty soon you will see only 'others' who are not worthy of respect or consideration.
Try being a bit more tolerant and listen to those others. You too are an other in their eyes.
A disagreement on policy or view should not make someone your enemy. Conflicting viewpoints have been around forever but treating all who think different as your enemy is dangerous. If you want to breed violence all you need to do is lower the view you have of others. Pretty soon you will see only 'others' who are not worthy of respect or consideration.
Try being a bit more tolerant and listen to those others. You too are an other in their eyes.