Bonus Pts at NC breakdown by Flo

Easy to see why Ok St started lose contact in the early rounds. Sure, at the end of the their 10 guys won more total matches. On average though, we were scoring more points every 3 matches than they were scoring in 4. So much for needed 8 wrestlers to out-pace the Cowboys.
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Its the same story every year for PSU and comes from style, coaching, and talent. I think they were averaging 23 bonus points a year coming into the tournamnet! The concern, if I were the rest of the field, is that this gap is widening. PSU has been doing it for seven years. Some things just don't change. O$U gets it, Iowa is starting to get it, but Okie St still doesn't get it.
Easy to see why Ok St started lose contact in the early rounds. Sure, at the end of the their 10 guys won more total matches. On average though, we were scoring more points every 3 matches than they were scoring in 4. So much for needed 8 wrestlers to out-pace the Cowboys.

Ask Cael if PSU needed 8 wrestlers.
Ask Cael if PSU needed 8 wrestlers.
I asked Cael, and he asked me if I had a plan or something. I did not know how to reply because I was distracted by his cauliflower ears, so I gave him your phone number. I hope that was okay. ;) (all in good fun! :) )
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I asked Cael, and he asked me if I had a plan or something. I did not know how to reply because I was distracted by his cauliflower ears, so I gave him your phone number. I hope that was okay. ;) (all in good fun! :) )

Penn State had 8 scoring wrestlers at Nationals, and every one of them mattered.

Cael is too busy fishing to call anyone right now amigo!
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