Bowl Games have lost Pizazz

It's you! The Liberty, Gator, Aloha, Citrus and several other bowl games were useless decades ago but they all count as "bowl wins" on our resume. Go find something else to whine about. It sucks that we are not in the final four but we needed to win one of the two games we lost this year to do it.

Chill out, psycho. There's not a single bit of whining in my post.

Perhaps the bloom is off the rose, seeing as there is now an official playoff, but it's a poor man's version of it, while still not only retaining the bowl season, but expanding it beyond comprehension. In 1996, there were 18 bowl games. This year, there are 40 bowl games (down from 41 from last year). There was a dedicated "big boy bowl game" day you could dedicate to getting your fill of big time programs back in the day. Today, it's a seemingly never-ending stream of games, all of which are structurally, and admittedly, worthless, with the "official" crowning of a champ in other games. If you're going to go with a playoff (a decision with which I agree), you need to make it a meaningful, extended one.
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Chill out, psycho. There's not a single bit of whining in my post.
Psycho? You are the one who is unhappy while there are some nice college football games to watch as an alternative to reruns of The Big Bang a Theory. Call it what you want, but...
A Georgia fan I know locally has a bowl pick em each year. This year he had to move it to ESPN as YAHOO bailed on us all. Pick em is the only thing that helps keep my interest for the bowls.
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Psycho? You are the one who is unhappy while there are some nice college football games to watch as an alternative to reruns of The Big Bang a Theory. Call it what you want, but...

I'm going to guess that you're two, three ... or maybe even four sheets to the wind at this point.

We now take you back to your regularly scheduled programming, which does not involve Nittany Ziggy watching any of these alleged nice college football games, but instead involves him wildly speculating reasons that someone doesn't want to watch the bowl games, then claiming they're whining when they're participating in reasonable introspection. You just made a list.
Of course this is my opinion. What happened? Maybe it just the aging/maturation process in one's life. What is it?

I didn't want to hijack the gentleman's thread regarding the death of his father, but thank you for inquiring about Duke. He's doing well right now. From what we understand, he may very well seem perfectly fine right up until the end when one of the tumors suddenly bleeds out. If you didn't know better, you'd assume he's in perfect health right now, so we're treating him that way and letting him work/play as though he is.
Part of everyone’s apathy (IMHO) is that Penn State should be 13-0 and the favorite among the four teams playing for the National Championship.

I feel that we gave away a golden opportunity that doesn’t come along very often. It could (and should) have been one of the very very very special years in Penn State football history.

Now, the PSU - Wash game is important.....the other games, not so much. There have been a few exciting games.....and it’s always nice to see Army and Navy win.

But the final four: not a fan of any of these teams. Would normally be rooting for OU, but Mayfield is a horse’s ass. Not a fan of ‘Bama or Georgia, seems they seldom play each other during the regular season going back forever. Clemson’s my favorite only because of the other three.
I'm going to guess that you're two, three ... or maybe even four sheets to the wind at this point.

We now take you back to your regularly scheduled programming, which does not involve Nittany Ziggy watching any of these alleged nice college football games, but instead involves him wildly speculating reasons that someone doesn't want to watch the bowl games, then claiming they're whining when they're participating in reasonable introspection. You just made a list.
I blame the lack of a Poulan Weed Eater Bowl anymore.
The demise of the Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl (& the Tangerine Bowl) was the beginning of the end.

Also, it seems like the intersectional games are so commonplace in the regular season that it takes the uniqueness of the bowl matchups that took place years ago.
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It was the mystery, man. You had seasons where the national championship hinged on the outcome of two or three games played on New Year's Day. I remember the real importance of the Sugar, Rose and Orange bowls. Maybe you're too your to remember, but I certainly do.

Isn't that kind of still the case now though? You have two games where there is importance on who moves on, same as in the 80s and 90s when i was a kid. The only two games that mattered in 94 were PSU in Rose and Nebraska in Orange. Then we had to wait a night or more to see who the pollsters put #1. Then, with the BCS before the playoffs of four teams there was only one game of importance.

So I don't think much has really changed in regards to the importance of games. Our Fiesta Bowl this year is no different in meaning anything than our Fiesta Bowl in 92. In fact, what other game meant a thing besides our 87 Fiesta Bowl vs Miami that year?

I think its two things, over saturation of so many bowls and society has changed. People don't care anymore about teams that have no chance. We live in a fair-weather society where Dream Teams like the Miami Heat and Golden State Warriors are everyones favorite and what people care to see. Perhaps that is the media's fault because that is all they cover. And I think that goes back to Saban's main point, the media covers the "relevant" 2 games endlessly, its on every half time of the current bowl games a preview of the Final 4. Our society now believes anything less than winning it all is a complete failure and our fan base's can't possibly tolerate a coach only winning 9-11 games. Fire whoever!!

Do I care about TCU or Stanford? No, but its a heckuva football game and I love football. I barely watched the MSU game because its a blowout.
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I do miss 8 games on NY day trying to keep up. But now I am a big proponent of spreading the games out so I can actually watch them. Though tonight did not matter because one game was a blowout, I was wondering why NCAA would put two games on at same start time of 9. Scatter them like they do in college hoops tourney.
One other thing: I think the announcers suck now. I mean suck! We used to have much better announcing by much more knowledgeable people. Now I have to listen to dry AF Reece Davis, Chris Fowler, with a Herbie who drools over his OSU or dummy bear David Pollack make no sense in trying to figure out why TCU wouldn't lose anything by going for 2 down 2 if they don't get it and Stanford kicks a FG to go up 5 instead of 4. David Pollack may be the dumbest guy working CFB.
Too many. Plus the playoff is actually hurting college football. You get on the outside looking in and it's just a huge letdown.
The demise of the Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl (& the Tangerine Bowl) was the beginning of the end.

Also, it seems like the intersectional games are so commonplace in the regular season that it takes the uniqueness of the bowl matchups that took place years ago.
I believe that the Tangerine is now called the "Citrus" bowl.
They were a big deal when they were a reward for a really good season.

Then they started adding more and more of them to the point that now a 6 win team can play in the Larry's Used Car Lot Bowl.

Commercialism run amuck- why would anyone care?
Of course this is my opinion. What happened? Maybe it just the aging/maturation process in one's life. What is it?

Agree. INMO there are just too many of them. A bowl game is a reward for a good season not another reason for ESPN or some corporate sponsor to make money.
I'm not whining, I am calling you a half-literate moron. Off to the gym and then on to finalize a contract with a client over lunch. Perhaps, tonight, I may enjoy a few brews. In which case, I wouldn't bother reading your gibberish.

So your play here is that you act in an overly aggressive, synaptically-challenged way when sober? And then attempt to cover this up by oversharing your day with a stranger on the internet in a moment of head-scratching irrelevance? Giving yourself the "I'm sorry, but I was loaded" out was the smarter move. And send in an associate to finalize the contract on your behalf, lest it be deemed void until later ratification.
I didn't want to hijack the gentleman's thread regarding the death of his father, but thank you for inquiring about Duke. He's doing well right now. From what we understand, he may very well seem perfectly fine right up until the end when one of the tumors suddenly bleeds out. If you didn't know better, you'd assume he's in perfect health right now, so we're treating him that way and letting him work/play as though he is.

I wanted to ask you about Duke but was unsure and didn't want to make you feel bad in case something had happened.
I'm glad he's doing better.
BTW my sister sent me a Christmas card and I would swear its a photo of Duke.
Just a flat out gorgeous dog.
Also I don't care about highjacking this had already gone to the dogs. ;)
The reason people don't care is that most of us realize these are pretty meaningless. The only thing you're really playing for is conference pride and most of our fan base seemingly hates the Big Ten so that reduces our interest in those games.

24 team playoff and everyone is going to have interest in the 23 games that take place because they matter. The playoff only reinforced how pointless the bowl games are--Saban's not wrong
So what's different? This year, there are TWO games on NYD where the championship hinges on the outcome; all the rest are meaningless. Just like 1994, 1968, 1969, 1973 and 1985. The Liberty Bowl was useless and just providing programming in the early 1960's. What is different today?
I think the difference, at least to me, is that everything seems to be so programmed. The sense of mystery, at least to me, is pretty much gone. Your tone is a tad aggressive; no one is looking for an argument, just differing points of view.
Isn't that kind of still the case now though? You have two games where there is importance on who moves on, same as in the 80s and 90s when i was a kid. The only two games that mattered in 94 were PSU in Rose and Nebraska in Orange. Then we had to wait a night or more to see who the pollsters put #1. Then, with the BCS before the playoffs of four teams there was only one game of importance.

So I don't think much has really changed in regards to the importance of games. Our Fiesta Bowl this year is no different in meaning anything than our Fiesta Bowl in 92. In fact, what other game meant a thing besides our 87 Fiesta Bowl vs Miami that year?

I think its two things, over saturation of so many bowls and society has changed. People don't care anymore about teams that have no chance. We live in a fair-weather society where Dream Teams like the Miami Heat and Golden State Warriors are everyones favorite and what people care to see. Perhaps that is the media's fault because that is all they cover. And I think that goes back to Saban's main point, the media covers the "relevant" 2 games endlessly, its on every half time of the current bowl games a preview of the Final 4. Our society now believes anything less than winning it all is a complete failure and our fan base's can't possibly tolerate a coach only winning 9-11 games. Fire whoever!!

Do I care about TCU or Stanford? No, but its a heckuva football game and I love football. I barely watched the MSU game because its a blowout.
I agree with your third and fourth paragraphs. I enjoyed watching the Stanford-TCU game, too. MSU game had no appeal after they went out to a 21-3 lead. I'm not saying I don't like the playoff system but I don't think four teams cuts it. I fully expect the field to increase to eight in the nst few years. Heck, the NCAA and hosting cities will make a lot more money with more teams involved. And isn't money - sadly - a motivating factor?
The reason they will not lower the number of bowl games is because the majority of coaches don't want to. Where else can a 6-6 coach win a game, have Gatorade poured on his head and get a trophy? The bowls keep mediocre coaches employed and they know it. I think we have a lot of coaches rallying behind closed doors to keep the current bowl system.
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The non-stop holiday Nat Geo TV this week is far more interesting than bowl games until Saturday. For example, the lost pirate city of Port Royal, Jamaica last night was great.
Remember when the New Years bowls all had conference tie-ins? SEC champ to the Sugar, SWC to the Cotton, Big 8 to the Orange, and the Big Ten and PAC Ten champs met in the Rose Bowl (unless the Big Ten champ went the previous year*). I can't say that was any less meaningless or frustrating for a PSU fan than the current CFP + 492 other bowl games. I'll watch PSU's bowl game but, to me it has little more meaning this year than a regular season game against a highly ranked OOC opponent.

* An absurd rule. The Big Ten did absurd things even back in the 60s and 70s.
I went from wanting to view each and every bowl game in my youth ... to, up until recently, only wanting to watch a few interesting/marquee match-ups, but if I happened upon a game I might stop and watch it ... to, now, I actually get upset when I'm flipping the channels and I run into a bowl game - I can't change the channel fast enough. Zero interest.

I'm not at all excited for PSU's bowl game, though I'll muster up fake interest for the benefit of my boys (8 and 10), and to have an excuse to sit and watch sports with them. And right now I'm thinking I'll skip the playoffs. Not having anything resembling a rooting interest (or rooting against interest, even) takes away from the luster. Just destroy the bowl system entirely, and give me 16+ playoff teams so there's some Cinderella storylines, potentially, and I'll watch those. Otherwise, eh.
Assume a 16 team playoff and PSU loses in the first round. Would you have zero interest watching the remaining games?
Assume a 16 team playoff and PSU loses in the first round. Would you have zero interest watching the remaining games?

Dunno. Give me a summary of PSU's season prior to the playoffs. What other teams are remaining, and what's their backstory? What's going on for local teams in other sports? Are my boys playing sports? Am I coaching? Is Venus in retrograde? Make it a 100,000 word (or more) synopsis, so I can really get into it and put myself in the moment.
Dunno. Give me a summary of PSU's season prior to the playoffs. What other teams are remaining, and what's their backstory? What's going on for local teams in other sports? Are my boys playing sports? Am I coaching? Is Venus in retrograde? Make it a 100,000 word (or more) synopsis, so I can really get into it and put myself in the moment.
I think you just exemplified the ability to "not answer a direct question", in an especially "douchey manner".
I'm not surprised.
I think you just exemplified the ability to "not answer a direct question", in an especially "douchey manner".
I'm not surprised.

I'll consider the source, given that earlier in this thread you lobbed an unsolicited and unwarranted "beyond douchey" insult at me, and my parenting, and still haven't explained yourself, despite a direct request to do so.

As for the question posed - I highlighted that the question was a poor one, and that the answer depended on a variety of factors.

So, at least I addressed the question, whereas you haven't been able to man up and address my request of you (in fact, you've decided to follow it up with 2 more unrelated insults ... so, kindly, GFY).
I'll consider the source, given that earlier in this thread you lobbed an unsolicited and unwarranted "beyond douchey" insult at me, and my parenting, and still haven't explained yourself, despite a direct request to do so.

As for the question posed - I highlighted that the question was a poor one, and that the answer depended on a variety of factors.

So, at least I addressed the question, whereas you haven't been able to man up and address my request of you (in fact, you've decided to follow it up with 2 more unrelated insults ... so, kindly, GFY).
My opinion was perfectly explained by my concise post.

At what time tomorrow do you plan on humoring your sons by feigning interest in the PSU bowl game by actually watching it with them?
My opinion was perfectly explained by my concise post.

At what time tomorrow do you plan on humoring your sons by feigning interest in the PSU bowl game by actually watching it with them?

So you have no interest in being reasonable. Duly noted. Now we can move on.