Bradford/Foles Details per Eagles site


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#Eagles acquire QB Sam Bradford, '15 5th round draft pick from St. Louis in exchange for QB Nick Foles, '15 4th round, '16 2nd round picks

6:45 PM - 10 Mar 2015

So Eagles give up Foles and 4th rounder in 2015 plus conditional 2nd rounder in 2016 in return
Eagles receive Bradford and a 5th round pick in 2015

I'm not an Eagles fan but this is a horrible trade plus Eagles assume something like 13M of cap space. I can't imagine any other team wanted Bradford.
This post was edited on 3/10 7:38 PM by psulongago
If that's true, it's a horrible deal. Philly talk radio will be exploding tonight and tomorrow.

This post was edited on 3/10 7:40 PM by psu00
Copied directly from Eagles site. I'm only a fan and certainly not an analyst but at this point in their careers I think Foles is a better QB without giving up accelerated picks and assuming the cap burden. If #1's were swapped worth giving it time.

Howie R. must be laughing all the way to the bank while cashing his 1.7M.
This is all to get Mariota, not Bradford

The key is the draft picks which are part of the deal. Bradford may compete for the backup spot with Sanchez, or give Mariotta half a season to develop.
Re: This is all to get Mariota, not Bradford

You're losing me. So they gave away a fourth and second round pick to get Bradford (who they will keep) and get a fifth round pick that they will use to get Mariota? Why not use the fourth and second round pick to get Mariota and leave Bradford out of it?
Because Tampa Bay

isn't foolish enough to trade their number one for a second and fourth.
Now confirmed by the Phila. Inquirer. Talk show must be going wild. Chip has not secured any assets that will allow him to move up in the draft. The two players with the most trade value on the team are Kendrick and Ertz. Talented players, still on rookie contracts, I think. Beware if he trades either or both.
Re: Because Tampa Bay

But they will for a 5th round pick? Seriously- I don't see how philly made a good move in this trade. What have they gained to help get Mariotta? A 5th round pick? If they're not dumb enough to trade for both a fourth and second round pick, they sure as hell aren't doing it for a fifth round pick.

This post was edited on 3/10 10:09 PM by psu00
Maybe the Jets want Bradford? Kind of works for everyone. The Jets did not want Foles so they get a QB that has ability and can slow down on the Geno development. Other than that the deal seems less than attractive. I can't believe Kelly will stack his NFL career on "Bradford"?
wasn't bradford just listed as a top 10 all time bust?

in the last 48 hrs i stumbled upon some article noting the 10 worst first round QBs of ALL TIME.. and sammy boy made the list.

so the beagles got an injury prone loser for a proven winner?

go howie!!... like they all keep telling us, dat dude is smarter 'n lassie.
only because he is injury prone.

If he stays healthy he's twice the QB Foles is. I'm not sure why eagles fans hate this. They weren't going to win the SB with Foles. He's taking a chance.
Bradford's a very gifted QB...he's just had some bad injury luck...

That's part of the game, though. If you compare the advanced stats on Bradford and Foles, it's not close. Bradford is more accurate, has a better arm and makes better reads. That's what Kelly wants in a QB, but can Bradford stay healthy?
you r both (poster below) correct, he is better

when healthy.

but he isn't. and he isn't going to be. and while i think the OL is decent, it isn't bullet-proof, and that -- apparently -- is what sam needs.

when he goes down again, that puts on right back where we started.

pretty sure chipper's processing went this way: both bradford and foles are injury prone and both are equally likely to go down. while healthy, who is the better QB? that's bradford, so there he goes.
So the Eagles now have two very middle of the road quarterbacks on their roster. I would assume they would need one of them to move up and acquire their golden child, but who would want either of them ? Sam Bradford to run the read option ? He'll be hurt by week 3.
Flashback to Harold Katz taking over personnel decisions for the Sixers...
Ray Diddinger, who I really respect and is a very, very knowledgable guy was just completely baffled by this deal. He said that he was getting phone calls all night long from veteran NFL guys asking him what was going on as there had to be something more to this then what was on the surface. In the end, Ray basically said that unless he is missing something, it appears that Chip is just in way over his head as a GM and is getting taken advantage of. He is not a homer and it was really difficult for him to say it as he not a talking head controversy guy but you could tell he was just completely stunned. Ray was saying how the rumor around the league is the Rams were going to release Bradford as they did not want to pay him the $13 million this year.