Comcast loses roughly $1,152 dollars of revenue per year per subscriber based on an average cable bill of $96 per month when a BTN fan leaves Comcast. From this, Comcast would save $12 dollars per year in market by not paying the $1.00 per month BTN fee, for a net loss of $1,140 dollars per lost BTN subscriber per year.
BTN loses $12 dollars per year per subscriber in-Network when they leave Comcast. But, unlike Comcast, BTN regains most or all of that revenue back when the subscriber jumps to a different platform (DTV, DISH, etc.).
What this means is, In-Network, Comcast can't lose any more than 4% of its subscribers to stay even. Out of Network, with a .10 cent per month carriage fee, Comcast can't afford to lose any more than four out of every 1,000 subscribers to stay even.
I travel around the country a good bit. I can guarantee you that if Comcast gets rid of BTN in a place like Texas or Florida, they will lose a LOT more than 4 out of every 1,000 subscribers. Remember. We aren't just talking Penn State fans.
If I'm Silverman or Delany, I play hardball. Comcast will lose out a lot more than BTN will. And to be honest with you, as much as Comcast rips off the public with their bad service and high fees, I would love to see them do what Skipper did at ESPN, and come begging us for forgiveness.