Just a note of caution about the student directory. It's pretty effective with enrolled students, but it's not an authoritative source in terms of athletes that are transfers or verbals.
I've seen multiple instances where football recruits who are planning to enroll in January, but who can't sign a letter of intent until mid-December (date varies each year; I believe it's Dec. 18th this year). In some situations, they haven't even announced their college choice before signing day. Because they need to be in PSU's system to register, get student notices, etc., and they'll be announcing their decision/sining their LOI, during finals week, and most of PSU's operations are closed during the semester break, either the athletic department or the respective teams (I'm not sure which) will get all of the process for enrolling completed, which includes getting the student a PSU e-mail, which causes them to appear in the directory. However, if the student elects to not transfer to PSU, commit to PSU and sign a LOI, etc., then the directory entry can subsequently removed.