honestly, i don't think either team wrestled that well tonight.
125 hildebrandt was okay, but ybarra is bad and he had to beat the buzzer for that major. only 1 takedown.
133 my thoughts are known here. rby is capable of more. desanto can't finish without the dump and that will always be his ceiling. neither team should feel great about this match
141 was going how i expected until the brain fart at the end. iowa can't be happy about eierman still being flat and cael can't be happy about lee almost pissing that away
149 murin very good. cael has to be frustrated with bartlett
157 young owes me 7 minutes of my life back. obv 157 not a strength for you guys
165 marinelli best match of the year. berge broke.
174 starocci aggressive, but couldn't finish. had kem dead to rights multiple times. 2nd match in a row where kem struggled to get to legs. going forward, even though neither can reliably score, starocci is better suited to rideouts.
184 should have been a major. assad fought, but is not on the level. brooks capable of more.
197 warner blew this match. couldn't hold up to the pace. dean has carved out a style at 197, but it's a tight rope to walk
285 good job cass. weird match kerk.
on balance, there's a lot for both coaches to be displeased about.
You have a very balanced take.
125 - The major was expected just not how. if your Brands you have to be content. If your Cael, you can't be happy that your 2 time all-american is 0-0 going to the second without taking a shot against Iowa's 3rd stringer
133 - About expected. ADS needs to figure out how to wrestle when he can't dump. I think RBY respects ADS and is not taking chances, he gets the 1 TD he needs to win and is content not that Cael is.
141 - About expected. Cael probably not happy that Lee almost gave the match away. Eierman needs to figure out how to take down Lee to get to his top game since Lee is not voluntarily taking bottom
149 - Does Bartlett even know how to shoot? Murin did what he had to do.
157 - Horrible match, does either know how to shoot? Barraclough never came close to getting out. Hard to win when you can't shoot, can't get off the bottom and accumulated about 5 seconds of riding time.
165 - Berge needs to get to 157. Marinelli dominated. I don't understand how Berge got hit for stalling 4 times. A few times, Marinelli literally shoved Berge off the mat for stall calls, Berge was not fleeing and this is not freestyle. Berge did nothing
174 - Carter needs to finish his shots and this is not close. Kem needs to do the same, he is not beating Carter in OT if it gets to rideouts.
184 - Brooks needed to bonus here, rode too much in the 1st period.
197 - Very good match from Dean, nearly broke Warner in half to secure the match.
285 - Great match from Cass, not sure what Kerk was doing trying to go upper body. When he missed on it in the first, it was a different match and he shutdown.
Overall, if your Cael you have to be happy that you won at Carver. There were 5 matches featuring two wrestlers in the top 5, PSU went 4-1 in those matches. The ultimate goal is to get the hand raised, mission accomplished. That being said, plenty for both teams to work on and neither coach is probably particularly happy. PSU looked much better last week against Michigan.
Rivera did Rivera things.
This was not the best dual to attract the casual fan to wrestling, it was like the NCAA finals in 2021, too many matches were 0-0 after the first period.