’66, you should realize, and I don’t think that you do, that very few people begrudge the financial success you have garnered. That was certainly not the theme of my calling you out. You created that false issue. Further, we all know a butt-load of folks that work their butts off and take financial risks on a regular basis. Glad for all but no medals or gold stars should be issued for the normal travails of life.
You speak about treating your employees and customers with respect. Leadership 101……good leaders must first be good followers. Baloney! I've never been a follower except when it comes to my Lord and saviour. IMO, most highly successful people (however one wishes to define "highly successful") are not particularly good followers. Good listeners absolutely but good followers not so much. Once an individual has mastered both, they implicitly know the value of another being. Respect comes naturally. I have the ultimate respect for others subject to them having respect for me. How could one be true to oneself (self respect) if one doesn't think that way? Demeaning someone about their presumed plight in life, compared to yours, is not leadership. Demeaning? Well then, why don't you scold the myriad of posters whose only purpose seems to be to demean me and sometimes members of my family and friends at every turn. Go after those posters for THEIR lack of leadership. I didn't start this war and never initiated a thread flouting my station in life. It’s a vile classist, elitist position that allows you to elevate yourself into a higher caste within your mind. I do wonder if your mentors would approve or you belittling someone that “still has to scratch out a living” while you don’t. Do you think they would approve? I imagine you do. I've seen my mentors dice up a number of people along the way. Not because my mentors were bad people but because some people deserved it for what they said or did to others and needed to be put in their place. And there are a fair number here that need to be too and I'll continue to do it as I see fit. If there are people here who don't like my methods, too bad.
I’m in my 60’s now and still work a great deal. I enjoy what I do, whether it’s perceived as scratching or not. I’m quietly proud of my life’s efforts to date but don’t share that with folks. I imagine they have similar feelings about themselves. Accomplishment brings a satisfaction that doesn’t need bright lights or strutting. Nor does it need belittling from mean-spirited people like you. Ha! You don't think most of the posters in this forum aren't mean spirited to me? Open your eyes. I respond in kind when people are mean spirited and condescending with me.
I have mentioned in previous posts that years back you were a respected poster. Clearly, even you realize that is no longer true. Either way, you have soundly earned the disdain and lack of respect. It comes from the vast majority of posters, too. It’s not the fault of others……it’s your fault. It’s amazing that you have the temerity to challenge me to confront these posters and basically, correct a wrong that you birthed and continue to nourish. Really?
Apparently, I was only a respected poster up until I stood up for my friends/colleagues and their decisions and I accepted the personal ridicule that went with it. That's what character and leadership is!
’66, I sacrificed the friendship of our mutual acquaintance with my initial post. While regrettable, it’s acceptable to me as I find you to be a reprehensible individual.
Unlike you, our mutual acquaintance knows me personally and has for a very considerable period of time. I know he and others who know me don't hold that view and I'm all but certain that he has told you that. I'm sorry you formed your opinion about me without the benefit of meeting and getting to know me on a personal basis and I'm sorry you chose to ruin your relationship with him over a chat board exchange that wasn't going to influence me one iota. I would have preserved the relationship by saying nothing but that's just me.
You will most likely respond to this post. I will not reply. This ‘calling out’ dialogue has been between the two of us and fellow posters don’t need anymore of this exchange. Agreed.
I look forward to the day that you no longer post. Disappointing and sad! I guess you only want to hear from the uniformed and like minded "followers".