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Phil's Rug

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2005
This Space For Rent
Couldn't resist...

Have at it

I can't believe I gave up Shakespeare in the Park for this. Never again.
Local Sports in Harrisburg had a rant on Pitt and the beverage if you stayed at the game. Dude went off on how pathetic it is
Not a caption, but my wife made the observation that " those look like very comfy seats compared to the ones at Beaver Stadium ".
I told her that when you know they might be used for sleeping they'd better be comfy or nobody will show up.
"This might work!!! Them fools actually believed I was a Pitt fan! Only 21 hours till Steeler kickoff! Cleanup crew given the night off. I got a primanti's and that free drink will hold me till tomorrow."