Car revs up revs down.

Details. Year make model. At idle? In neutral? In drive with foot on brake? In park? Check engine light? Wrench light? Any abnormalities while driving? Other noises? Anything else new or different happening?
Well, the pcm is telling it to do that for some reason. The most common causes for that model, as have already been touched on, are a vacuum leak or it's in the infancy stages of the electronic throttle body going bad. Thing is, both will eventually produce a light. Wrench light for ETB, check engine light for a vacuum leak. If I were a betting man, I'd most likely assume it's the throttle body, based on experience. We've replaced quite a few of them on the old body style Fusion's. They aren't hard to change, however, don't try to take it apart and clean it. Either run it a little longer until you get some codes, or take a flier on replacing the ETB. Other than that, you can try to inspect the vacuum lines for dry rot, cracks, etc.
I'll know for sure in a few hours and will post!
That will be most interesting. Seems to me the effect of wheel bearings on the operation of the car would be the same whether the engine was running or the car was in neutral and coasting down a hill with the engine off.

If a bad wheel bearing can cause an engine to surge and fall back like you say, then there is something about this i sure dont understand. Somebody's gonna learn something.
????I thought it made this noise when it was sitting still. No idea what a revving motor has to do with a bad bearing.

Did the guy explain it?
No, no noise when idling. Only a noise up/down, nothing unusual rpm wise. I probably didn't explain well, a noise thing, not an rpm thing.
No, no noise when idling. Only a noise up/down, nothing unusual rpm wise. I probably didn't explain well, a noise thing, not an rpm thing.
"Noise up/down?" Not sure what you mean. Did the car make the noise when it was sitting still?

The engine is a suspect for strange noise only when it is running. The bearings are a suspect only when the wheels are turning.

Very confused.