Charges dropped on FL DT, Browns pick, Caleb Brantley


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Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
Read this yesterday but was too busy to post it. it is a cautionary tale about assuming guilt in these kinds of cases against high profile athletes.

The DA dropped charges against FL DT and CLE Browns assault charge and here is the official statement from the DA. This kid was considered a mid-rounder (3rd or 4th round) and dropped to the sixth largely due to this assault accusation.

I am told that the kid was hanging out with friends. A woman got drunk and wanted to go to bed with Brantley. He refused. Some of his friends started making fun of her. She got upset and started to physically attack Brantley. In self defense, he hit her. This is OK according to most "stand your ground" laws and is regardless of his or her physical size. She also exaggerated her injuries.

Regardless, the initial charges and press made this guy out to be Ray Rice. A cautionary tale when these accusations come out. It isn't uncommon for "victims" to try and provoke people of status for various reasons. Some people refer to this as "first world problems".
So where did he end up getting drafted and his much did he lose financially?

Browns picked him in the 6th round, when he was a projected 2nd rounder. Quite a bit of income difference there. And he actually shoved her away, didn't hit her. I have seen the video.

Now Brantley has not exactly been a saint, but this shows that sometimes there is no need for a rush to judgment as what happened to a certain Penn State QB a few years ago, although the coach did stick by him.
Isn't this where we are supposed to ignore the facts and paint Brantley as a criminal and also condemn all organizations he is associated with?

GUILTY. :eek: