Choot'em Lizbith! Choot'em! Most heavily armed states!! State rankings

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CBS News has been broad-casting fake news about guns and gun use ever since they broadcast the "Guns of Autumn" in 1975 with Dan Rather. This was the first anti-hunting show on TV and some of it was filmed in Pa. If I recall it was at Pymatuning Reservoir during the Fall goose season.
What is fake about this is the equating of "registered guns" to "heavily armed". Most guns in private ownership don't require any registration. According to the article Michigan has 42,855 registered firearms as if this is all that there is in the state. The state has 654,579 licensed deer hunters most of whom hunt in the gun season.
Alaska is a joke. 15.2 registered guns per 1,000 residents. Alaska has very few gun laws and everyone owns a gun and carries a gun virtually everywhere they go.
This article is useless to anyone who is advocating a gun position either way -- either for or against -- it is simply useless misinformation that attempts to link registered guns to whether a state is heavily armed or not and those two pieces of information have no quantitative link what so ever. The Alaska data proves that point.
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