CJF to Tennessee?

Discussed right now on CF Live, advocated by Greg McIlroy. Said UT can go as high as 10 million a year

These guys have any idea how much money we have been giving away to anyone that wants it the last few years?????? $10 million is nothing but chump change.

James Franklin ain't going anywhere.
Penn State is a top 10 coaching job, past , present , and future.
Bama, Ohio ST., Michigan,Miami,FSU, OU, Tex, USC, and ND are the others.
Tennessee wasn't happy with 2 and 3 loss seasons dumping Phil and they have been in a tail spin since. As one of the posters in this thread said Penn State has a patient fan base.
If you read the tea leaves, the press is stirring the pot, Greg is an SEC guy, we aren't that naive.
Penn State is a top 10 coaching job, past , present , and future.
Bama, Ohio ST., Michigan,Miami,FSU, OU, Tex, USC, and ND are the others.
Tennessee wasn't happy with 2 and 3 loss seasons dumping Phil and they have been in a tail spin since. As one of the posters in this thread said Penn State has a patient fan base.
If you read the tea leaves, the press is stirring the pot, Greg is an SEC guy, we aren't that naive.

HL - I think you nailed 10 of 10, good job!
Discussed right now on CF Live, advocated by Greg McIlroy. Said UT can go as high as 10 million a year
Franklin is smart enough to know that he has Penn State close to being a national power again and when he does, he'll get his payday. He knows he could make $20 million in 2-3 yrs at UT, but then be out of a job.
Hope we don’t have to listen to TN fans tell us how its better job for a head coach, just like Shoop few years ago.
PSU was always and will be a better school for football coaches then TN.
I heard it was Gruden they wanted. Of course Grudens name comes up with every coaching openning.
$10 million per year is insane. No doubt the UT talk is being whipped up by the SEC homers who have been drinking the kool-aid. They think Franklin has done the same and that he is chomping at the bit to return to the college football holy land in Dixie. The fact is Franklin has only spent three years coaching in the SEC during his entire career and that of course was his time at Vanderbilt. He's already been at Penn State longer. Maybe UT will wave $10 million under his nose and he'll bolt but that's a lot of money for someone they call a "used car salesman". $10 million could buy many other coaches who have longer head coaching resumes. Why the Franklin fixation by the talking heads?? PSU is one of the best jobs in the country.

Because they are SEC shills, and if they make up stories about how coaches from other conferences, especially the B10, want to go there, it helps perpetuate their false narrative about the SEC. The fact that it might hurt PSU is just bonus to them.
Will Franklin leave for Knoxville in the middle of the night like the Colts? Be on the lookout for a Mayflower truck.
yeah...but only for a trip to get more of this:

Or to visit this:
Will Franklin leave for Knoxville in the middle of the night like the Colts? Be on the lookout for a Mayflower truck.

I have a lot of fun pointing out all the Mayflower trucks to my wife on trips! 'Hey dear, its a Mayflower truck. Wonder where the Ravens are headed?' :cool::D
Within the next month, my neighbors postman's aunts adopted sons 5th grade teacher will be guaranteeing Franklin to be going to all of the 7 SEC jobs opened by bowl time. I think he is very happy where he is and is building an absolute beast. Of which could have been awakened years ago had Joe retired and they hired outside the group. Looking forward to the ride!
Within the next month, my neighbors postman's aunts adopted sons 5th grade teacher will be guaranteeing Franklin to be going to all of the 7 SEC jobs opened by bowl time. I think he is very happy where he is and is building an absolute beast. Of which could have been awakened years ago had Joe retired and they hired outside the group. Looking forward to the ride!
The drunk guy at the end of the bar at the FL/GA line told me the same thing. Said that CJF fancies Shoops wife and Shoop will be named Assistant to the Head Coordinator. Take that to the bank.
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I have to go to Knoxville a couple times a year but return to Nashville as quickly as possible. If I had to live there, I would stay drunk 24/7/365
You live in Nashville, TN? I understand that city is growing like crazy.
Franklin is smart enough to know that he has Penn State close to being a national power again and when he does, he'll get his payday. He knows he could make $20 million in 2-3 yrs at UT, but then be out of a job.
Why should Franklin wait 2-3 years to get more money? IMO, there is NO chance of him leaving Penn State, but it is clearly in his financial interest to say little or nothing in response to rumors about Tennessee (or other schools) wanting to throw money at him. If the rumors become sufficiently strong or widespread, it will make Sandy, Barron, the BoT, and wealthy PSU donors nervous about keeping Franklin, and increase the likelihood of a contract extension and raise. Happens all the time in CFB.
The drunk guy at the end of the bar at the FL/GA line told me the same thing. Said that CJF fancies Shoops wife and Shoop will be named Assistant to the Head Coordinator. Take that to the bank.
flag ! the rule states board members wives, penalty.
Why should Franklin wait 2-3 years to get more money? IMO, there is NO chance of him leaving Penn State, but it is clearly in his financial interest to say little or nothing in response to rumors about Tennessee (or other schools) wanting to throw money at him. If the rumors become sufficiently strong or widespread, it will make Sandy, Barron, the BoT, and wealthy PSU donors nervous about keeping Franklin, and increase the likelihood of a contract extension and raise. Happens all the time in CFB.

They just gave Franklin a raise and an extension. If he's angling for another one on the heels of that, and I don't think he is, they should let him take another job.That being said, Barbour & Co. didn't make the last round of negotiations easy. Doing that doesn't exactly endear you to the coach and, more importantly, his agent.
The guys on that show love to hear themseves talk. Franklins going to leave a 10 or 11 win team with a top 10 recruiting class coming in for a train wreck. The pressure from the RockyTop alumni to beat Alabama is too much to bear.

He would take the recruiting class with him.
Discussed right now on CF Live, advocated by Greg McIlroy. Said UT can go as high as 10 million a year
McElroy talked about it again today. Said Tenn should back up the truck and pay him. He didn't mention that PSU is a better job than Tenn. I'm wondering why coaches like Malzahn, Chryst, or others are never mentioned but Franklin is. Hell, Auburn fans were ready to run Gus out of town after his second loss this year.
McElroy talked about it again today. Said Tenn should back up the truck and pay him. He didn't mention that PSU is a better job than Tenn. I'm wondering why coaches like Malzahn, Chryst, or others are never mentioned but Franklin is. Hell, Auburn fans were ready to run Gus out of town after his second loss this year.

And on a daily basis, McElroy demonstrates why he didn't win the Rhodes Scholarship.