Classic SNL on now

Despite the ups and downs I liked SNL a lot until 5 years ago, or maybe 6-8, I don't know exactly, but anyway, PC is killing comedy in recent years.

I just watched that classic SNL and I laughed a lot but at the same time I was constantly aware of how what they did would be considered awful by the PC police now.

Martin & Aykroyd doing Two Wild And Crazy Guys would be considered unacceptable today. Even the jokes that are plainly meant to be ridiculous, like Steve Martin says "So, do you make lots of noises when you have sex?" would be considered evil.

Todd DeLeMuca making a joke about Lisa Lupner having her breasts removed because she had small breasts would be verboten. The entire Todd-Lisa relationship would be considered unacceptable.

Theodoric of York doing his speech at the end before he says "NAAH!" when he says "Perhaps men should be judged by a jury of their peers...maybe, 8....maybe 10...or how about, that's too big...well how about 11...or 13...or 11 or 13, whatever"...that all would be considered unacceptable because he said "men" and not "people." It's a great joke and if it was done now people would use "people" instead of "men" but that's not enough, instead we have condemn the whole bit.

And when Van Morrison played the music it was just music instead of a light show and choreography.

And the audience didn't scream "WOOOOO!" constantly, like they do on SNL now and also all the late night shows. Too many things now are big, loud and fake. Fake does not make for good comedy, nor does PC.
I just watched a bit of the opening of SNL on live now. Steve Carell is doing the monologue and they're talking to the "audience," which is not really the audience but people planted there that are "stars." And they go to a "star" and the audience screams "WOOOO!" And then they do it again. Repeat.

Putting a famous person on the screen while the audience whoops loudly isn't comedy, it's celebrity worship.
Despite the ups and downs I liked SNL a lot until 5 years ago, or maybe 6-8, I don't know exactly, but anyway, PC is killing comedy in recent years.

I just watched that classic SNL and I laughed a lot but at the same time I was constantly aware of how what they did would be considered awful by the PC police now.

Martin & Aykroyd doing Two Wild And Crazy Guys would be considered unacceptable today. Even the jokes that are plainly meant to be ridiculous, like Steve Martin says "So, do you make lots of noises when you have sex?" would be considered evil.

Todd DeLeMuca making a joke about Lisa Lupner having her breasts removed because she had small breasts would be verboten. The entire Todd-Lisa relationship would be considered unacceptable.

Theodoric of York doing his speech at the end before he says "NAAH!" when he says "Perhaps men should be judged by a jury of their peers...maybe, 8....maybe 10...or how about, that's too big...well how about 11...or 13...or 11 or 13, whatever"...that all would be considered unacceptable because he said "men" and not "people." It's a great joke and if it was done now people would use "people" instead of "men" but that's not enough, instead we have condemn the whole bit.

And when Van Morrison played the music it was just music instead of a light show and choreography.

And the audience didn't scream "WOOOOO!" constantly, like they do on SNL now and also all the late night shows. Too many things now are big, loud and fake. Fake does not make for good comedy, nor does PC.

You’re nuts*
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