There was an interesting article on the mysterious bag men/boosters paying recruits a few years ago I just got done rereading and it got me thinking. Obviously this stuff goes on, but how widespread do you think it is? Do you think this happens in the Big 10 at Ohio State, Michigan and us? I mean coaches can't really control this. If Spyker and I wanted to give Micah Parsons $50,000 to sign with PSU and another recruit say $5,000 just to come on an OV how would Franklin/Admins prevent that or control it? Imagine it like in the article on a very organized level and it's not so far fetched. It's hard to fault programs for those outside the program influencing recruits. It's also near impossible to prove if done the right way. Miami got caught because they were paying players for performance and thus records had to be kept and it was much more likely to tick other players off/make jealous. I'm really interested to see what you guys think on this subject. If it's just an SEC thing then why aren't all the elite players just going to SEC schools? I honestly have no idea whether it's true or not but an interesting topic for thoughtful discussion I believe.