College GameDay thread

Jesus christ....i just turned on game day, and within 30 seconds I hear about Paterno getting fired, and the Sandusky atrocities

I hate the fact I’ve been watching Game Day all morning, but was surprised it took them a hour to bring up Sandusky. Thought it would have been earlier.
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A JoePa sign from the ESPN Game Day site.


There is a 409 sign too, but most signs focused on current team and Harbaugh. Can anyone zoom in on the diploma the one kid is holding?
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It looks like an honorary degree for Herbie.

Correct. They addressed it early on.

I have to say, overall, I think PSU is being represented well and it looks like a great time up there today.

I’ve seen a couple Paterno signs too. I’ve heard the talking heads reference a couple signs that made them laugh, but would not make it pass “the sign police” though.
Correct. They addressed it early on.

I have to say, overall, I think PSU is being represented well and it looks like a great time up there today.

I’ve seen a couple Paterno signs too. I’ve heard the talking heads reference a couple signs that made them laugh, but would not make it pass “the sign police” though.

Good performance from the Nittany Lions that have come out - no doubt!

ESPN is being entirely fair to us too.
That's so nice of them.

I didn't want a re-hash of the Rose Bowl. No need for them to go on this 5-minute Sandusky discussion in the 3rd Quarter once we took the lead - yet they did.

Sandusky gets a 5-second mention - then into a GOOD story about us.

Another page turned ... further and further into our past. Onward (into the future) State!
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Wally Triplett and We Are...

Just watched the GameDay piece on the beginnings of We Are, which I freely admit that I did not know, or could not remember (getting old, yes). Inspiring story to say the least and more good PR for the university.

The main reason that you didn't know it is that it isn't true. It's fake news created by Guido D'Elia and the PSU marketing department several years ago. The school should be embarrassed that they continue to propagate this falsehood. It isn't fair to Triplett and the guys from the Cotton Bowl team nor is it fair to the cheerleaders in 1977 who actually created the cheer.

Here's the real story
The main reason that you didn't know it is that it isn't true. It's fake news created by Guido D'Elia and the PSU marketing department several years ago. The school should be embarrassed that they continue to propagate this falsehood. It isn't fair to Triplett and the guys from the Cotton Bowl team nor is it fair to the cheerleaders in 1977 who actually created the cheer.

Here's the real story
You would think someone with such strong convictions would fight tooth and nail to correct the false narrative about Joe.
The main reason that you didn't know it is that it isn't true. It's fake news created by Guido D'Elia and the PSU marketing department several years ago. The school should be embarrassed that they continue to propagate this falsehood. It isn't fair to Triplett and the guys from the Cotton Bowl team nor is it fair to the cheerleaders in 1977 who actually created the cheer.

Here's the real story
Interesting that Lou Prato is the author of the article you linked but was also "pimping" the ESPN story today with several seconds of video commentary supporting the Triplett story.
I like the poster of Harbaugh with his pasty white skin and it said 'Harbaugh is ready for the white out......and third place'. ;)
Putting all my homerisms aside I thought that was the best Gameday in a long long time. They way that the crowd was so into it and how the cast interacted and fed off the crowd was a terrific representation of PSU.
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