Columbus Dispatch article on Zach Smith

That assumes McM is driving to an end-game: Get Meyer fired. I don't think that is his primary motivation. His primary motivation is to stay relevant for as long as he can and to land a new job. So he will continue to drip so people visit his blog and facebook page for as long as they can. He'll watch to see how it plays out and increase the intensity when it quiets down. He has to be concerned that his ongoing drip exhausts people and they just quit listening.

He has a new job. There's a lot of detail in this interview covering his severance at ESPN and where he ended up:
Nine times?
Interesting how Smith beat this woman so many times she can't count them. The police came 9 or more times and the prosecutor reviewed the reports and decided not to prosecute. Am I reading that the police reports have information that my dispute Ms. Smith's claims?
Folks, this is a mess. I wouldn't want to be in a foxhole with Zach or Courtney.
It’s a sign that OSU football and protecting it are priorities of local officials.