Thanks for being respectful, I appreciate your comments too.
I really wasn't being critical of Mr. Johnson, I was just guessing he will regret it later. And probably McSorley will regret the spike. I'm just old school (read OLD), call it stone age, and to me respect for the opposition and opposing teams' fans is part of what football players and fans should be about.
And respect for the opposition is in PSU's DNA. It was one of those Paterno anachronisms that I really appreciated. And I think Franklin's old school too. When Barkley made a gesture to some linebacker last year on a wheel route TD, you'll recall Franklin did a little coaching on the sideline about it.
I just think that last drive was the only statement PSU needed to make. I LOVED the shocked silence, the Iowa fan's faces. Amazing moment. There was no need for anything more.
As for the 'ped state' stuff, nothing the PSU team can do about that other than beat every other team on the schedule. Some fans are classy and some fans are just shallow and stupid human beings. Being angry about idiot fans is like being angry at the fact that there are mosquitos in the world.
Moreover, inconsiderate gestures by players really DO matter. Every time a PSU player finishes a game by taunting the other team's fans, that empowers the bad fans, it makes them more powerful, it validates their idiot opinions about PSU.