Court Cases


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Gold Member
Sep 24, 2012
Seems like everything has been eerily quiet lately when it comes to filings and the various court cases that are going on surrounding this whole saga. I know a date in the Freeh case just got set but what the hell is going on with the other ones.

Do C/S/S ever go to trial? What is the next step/date in the Paterno lawsuit? Any ideas?
new filings in the Paterno lawsuit today...still waiting for a Hoover return for C/S/S......hearing scheduled for July re: the Trustee lawsuit to get access to Freeh documents
I doubt the C/S/S case ever sees a courtroom. The Commonwealth knows it's case is unwinnable and any judge with a set of cojones would've thrown it out already. But since it's such a political hot potato nobody wants to say the truth: these guys were railroaded by a corrupt governor and his hand-picked lackeys. (Truthfully, I think most Penn Staters are like me and WANT it to go to trial so we can get the truth on record.
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seems like discovery has been going on in the paterno case forever...lets get to it already
Do C/S/S ever go to trial?

I doubt anybody can answer that with any certainty.

FWIW, I checked on Wednesday about the status of the C/S/S cases, and was told that the expectation is that they are many months away from any significant actions/rulings.
I doubt anybody can answer that with any certainty.

FWIW, I checked on Wednesday about the status of the C/S/S cases, and was told that the expectation is that they are many months away from any significant actions/rulings.
Still dependent on Hoover's return?
I doubt the C/S/S case ever sees a courtroom. The Commonwealth knows it's case is unwinnable and any judge with a set of cojones would've thrown it out already. But since it's such a political hot potato nobody wants to say the truth: these guys were railroaded by a corrupt governor and his hand-picked lackeys. (Truthfully, I think most Penn Staters are like me and WANT it to go to trial so we can get the truth on record.

I have to confess that I've lost track of the whole affair at this point. Like you, I would like to see a trial so we can get the facts as best we can and I say that with the understanding that a trial will not reveal everything. Let the chips fall where they may.

I don't know whether I share your view that the case is unwinnable for the state. I think the state has a case. By the same token, I don't accept that these people acted with criminal intent, whatever they did - or did not - do. It sure looks like they were poorly advised by their counsel at the GJ hearings. So much time has passed since everything blew up, I would hope that the emotions of the potential jurors will not come into play.
Still dependent on Hoover's return?

Anyone please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but from what I remember a judge was named to replace Hoover on this case (I don't recall his name off the top of my head though) however what's causing the current delay is the lower court waiting to hear back from the higher court on CSS's appeal re: Baldwin (and possibly other items).
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I doubt anybody can answer that with any certainty.

FWIW, I checked on Wednesday about the status of the C/S/S cases, and was told that the expectation is that they are many months away from any significant actions/rulings.
The Commonwealth's briefs are due tomorrow in Spanier's and Curley's appeals and next Friday in Schultz's.

The defendants will probably be granted something like 15 days to file reply briefs and then the appeals court will take it under advisement.

Since these are interlocutory appeals, the appeals court shouldn't take too long to rule, maybe 60-90 days. I'm still hopeful the cases go to trial this year, although Spanier has already tipped his hand that he will appeal any adverse ruling to the US Supreme Court.
If they were winnable, Kane would try them. She could use a political boost, and victory with these cases would give her that boost. The fact that she won't touch them tells me that she knows they are losers.
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