Credibility Of Climate Scientists Effectively Gone
February 18, 2018
Nine years ago, climate experts announced
there was no more multi-year ice in the Arctic.

Multiyear Arctic ice is effectively gone: expert | Reuters
Now there is lots of multi-year sea ice in the Arctic.

ice_type_nh_polstere-100_multi_201802171200.png (676×798)
Climate experts also say Arctic ice is melting rapidly at -30C, and sea level is rise is accelerating.

Sea level rise rates peaked 70 years ago, when CO2 was below 320 PPM.

Sea Level Trends – Variation of 50-year Mean Sea Level Trends

Sea Level Trends – Variation of 50-year Mean Sea Level Trends

Sea Level Trends – Variation of 50-year Mean Sea Level Trends
Both Greenland and Antarctica are gaining ice.
How could sea level rise be “accelerating”,
when the water is being removed from the oceans and added to ice sheets?

How the Greenland ice sheet fared in 2017 | Carbon Brief

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses | NASA
As far as I can tell, 97% of climate science is a total fraud – an attempt to steal taxpayer money via extortion and fear mongering.
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