Credit where credit is due - Greg Martin

You realize that Martin had a body lock on Bo...right? Bo, then went for the ankle pick and that's when Martin threw him. We are talking about the six points for MM?

BTW, all of this action was initiated off of Myles Double attempt.

Yes, I know, somewhere Jefe is laughing.
There are about a dozen or so posts on this thread that remind me of this:

Mega doesn't go backwards in tie-ups, runaway from engagement for an entire match or perpetually and exclusively "wrestle the edge" looking to go OB or counter dip$hit - you are completely full of $hit and don't know what your talking about. Nor does Mega go entire matches without making a single offensive attack (as his 70-something TDs in 20-odd matches demonstrates! Maybe if you had a clue about what you were talking about or knew squat about the actual rules of wrestling (especially International Free - the real, recognized rules of wrestling), you should be listened to, but since you don't STFU you clueless moron. Weird how successful Mega is in Free and never gets penalized for "passivity" when Free is hyper-aggressive about penalizing passivity with penalty points for your opponent without "a warning call", unlike the easily gamed and gimmick "folk" rules.
Again, who opened the cage?
Papa, I noticed your post on HR mentioning PSU "fans". Care to elaborate on your use of quotation marks?

Yea, because the lunatic HR Iowa "fans" aren't "kookoos" when they claim that Mega, Z-train and Gentleman-Jim Morgan MacIntosh are big stalling machines that "Bael" coaches to stall their way to victory...... If that isn't some insane shiz and clear evidence of pure lunacy, I don't know what the hell is!!
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Papa, I noticed your post on HR mentioning PSU "fans". Care to elaborate on your use of quotation marks?
Without the context, I'll just note that some folks at least claiming to be PSU fans go on HR and do little more than poke the bear with a sharp stick. Like Jammen, except tactless and uncouth.

"Fans" with scare quotes is a polite way to describe them.
Without the context, I'll just note that some folks at least claiming to be PSU fans go on HR and do little more than poke the bear with a sharp stick. Like Jammen, except tactless and uncouth.

"Fans" with scare quotes is a polite way to describe them.

That would take a special kind of twisted a-hole. Take the time to register for an anonymous "handle" on this board only to register anonymously *again* just to prod the Hawkeyes. LOL!
Was a hell of a match. I liked watching Bo more than Myles that match but Martin executed at that critical juncture. I will take a loss like that any day of the week from our guys.
He would not have had anything positive to say about Bo if Bo would not have put himself on his back. Hope they are at same weight next year. That will be the one and only....Bet on it....
What is it with you? Just like I said in the Lions Den the other day about the crap you pull here, and bingo here ya go. Who the hell cannot just except a good measure? You, that's who.