Culture rears its ugly head at Pitt

I wonder if Pitt will let him maintain an office on campus total access to all facilities travel to college sanctioned events and even sit in the presidents box for events. That would teach em. Those enablers.
People tend not to criminalize someone they think is innocent of any crimes. Try and keep up putz. And in case you missed it the jury found no conspiracy or cover-up. Of course pitter trolls know better.
We shouldn't mock Pitt, this is a serious thing and hopefully this "guy" hasn't abused any children.
It is pathetic that Penn State fans now get all giddy when they hear about other case of molestation or child porn. They act as if it in some twisted way makes Penn State handling of Sandusky any better. It sick that people turn it into a joke about culture. Those are real kids who were forced into that abuse that you turn into a joke to make yourself feel better about Penn State.
Actually that's not it at all but keep pontificating.
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No RutgersNut, it's about pointing out the hypocrisy of them blaming the actions of Sandusky on a football fan base and tarring us with that monster's acts like we had anything to do with it, all the while it happens in their glass house. Stfu already with your nonsense.
Well said.
People tend not to criminalize someone they think is innocent of any crimes. Try and keep up putz. And in case you missed it the jury found no conspiracy or cover-up. Of course pitter trolls know better.
They did find that the administration put the children at risk. It might have not been a conspiracy or cover up but the jury did put kids at risk. I think anyone with half a brain would think allowing an employee to bring unrelated kids to sleep with him on business trips or allow him to shower with random kids alone is a bad idea.
They did find that the administration put the children at risk. It might have not been a conspiracy or cover up but the jury did put kids at risk. I think anyone with half a brain would think allowing an employee to bring unrelated kids to sleep with him on business trips or allow him to shower with random kids alone is a bad idea.
You're completely misrepresenting the situation. These were not random kids that he just pulled off the streets. These were kids from second mile, his charity, and they were often in a father son relationship with him. Shame on you.
Go learn how compliant victimization works instead of feeding a baseless narrative to people who hate PSU like you do on Rutger's board. Read Jim Clemente's report. He's only the foremost expert in the field.
They did find that the administration put the children at risk. It might have not been a conspiracy or cover up but the jury did put kids at risk. I think anyone with half a brain would think allowing an employee to bring unrelated kids to sleep with him on business trips or allow him to shower with random kids alone is a bad idea.
You mean like at Syracuse where no one gave a sh!t?
You're completely misrepresenting the situation. These were not random kids that he just pulled off the streets. These were kids from second mile, his charity, and they were often in a father son relationship with him. Shame on you.
Go learn how compliant victimization works instead of feeding a baseless narrative to people who hate PSU like you do on Rutger's board. Read Jim Clemente's report. He's only the foremost expert in the field.
I have read his report. He did a very good job of doing what he was paid to do. His report wasn't an independent report. I understand these were second mile kids. However Penn State is not part of the Second Mile. The Lasch building showers were not built for use of the Second Mile programs. Bowl trips were not Second Mile. Penn State chose to allow Sandusky use their facilities and therefore has a duty to protect those children. Common sense says it a bad idea to allow an adult to shower alone with a child. Any one who has ever worked with children know that you never put yourself in a position to even be accused of something inappropriate. You don't allow a employee to stay in a hotel with a charity kid or shower alone with them. It a basic safeguard you put in place to protect your organization and your employee. Clemente report did a wonderful jo explaining how Sandusky fooled these men but it doesn't justify their failure to protect the university
I have read his report. He did a very good job of doing what he was paid to do. His report wasn't an independent report. I understand these were second mile kids. However Penn State is not part of the Second Mile. The Lasch building showers were not built for use of the Second Mile programs. Bowl trips were not Second Mile. Penn State chose to allow Sandusky use their facilities and therefore has a duty to protect those children. Common sense says it a bad idea to allow an adult to shower alone with a child. Any one who has ever worked with children know that you never put yourself in a position to even be accused of something inappropriate. You don't allow a employee to stay in a hotel with a charity kid or shower alone with them. It a basic safeguard you put in place to protect your organization and your employee. Clemente report did a wonderful jo explaining how Sandusky fooled these men but it doesn't justify their failure to protect the university

And none of that has anything to do with the vitriol spewed at us for the crime of being Penn State fans. Done turning the other cheek precisely because these monsters are in lots of places.

Telling how you spew this nonsense on multiple schools boards. A Pitt fan couldn't do it better.
I wonder if Pitt will let him maintain an office on campus total access to all facilities travel to college sanctioned events and even sit in the presidents box for events. That would teach em. Those enablers.

What, you mean like make him DIRECTOR of Student Counseling (i.e., running an entire GD Student-Services Department) at the University of Pedsburgh? LMAO, yea his access to campus and students was really restricted in his role at the University of $hitsburgh errr I mean Pedsburgh??? H2P - Hail 2 Pedsburgh!
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It is pathetic that Penn State fans now get all giddy when they hear about other case of molestation or child porn. They act as if it in some twisted way makes Penn State handling of Sandusky any better. It sick that people turn it into a joke about culture. Those are real kids who were forced into that abuse that you turn into a joke to make yourself feel better about Penn State.

What's truly pathetic are your absurd diatribes about how PSU hasn't allowed lots of NPO Charitable Organizations use their facilities when they provide PSU with an "INDEMINIFICATION" as part of the use contract, just as The Second Mile did regarding their use of PSU facilities for some of their Programs. But you don't let things like ACTUAL FACTS get in the way of your bull$hit, troll fictions - do you now @sshole?
I have read his report. He did a very good job of doing what he was paid to do. His report wasn't an independent report. I understand these were second mile kids. However Penn State is not part of the Second Mile. The Lasch building showers were not built for use of the Second Mile programs. Bowl trips were not Second Mile. Penn State chose to allow Sandusky use their facilities and therefore has a duty to protect those children. Common sense says it a bad idea to allow an adult to shower alone with a child. Any one who has ever worked with children know that you never put yourself in a position to even be accused of something inappropriate. You don't allow a employee to stay in a hotel with a charity kid or shower alone with them. It a basic safeguard you put in place to protect your organization and your employee. Clemente report did a wonderful jo explaining how Sandusky fooled these men but it doesn't justify their failure to protect the university
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I have read his report. He did a very good job of doing what he was paid to do. His report wasn't an independent report. I understand these were second mile kids. However Penn State is not part of the Second Mile. The Lasch building showers were not built for use of the Second Mile programs. Bowl trips were not Second Mile. Penn State chose to allow Sandusky use their facilities and therefore has a duty to protect those children. Common sense says it a bad idea to allow an adult to shower alone with a child. Any one who has ever worked with children know that you never put yourself in a position to even be accused of something inappropriate. You don't allow a employee to stay in a hotel with a charity kid or shower alone with them. It a basic safeguard you put in place to protect your organization and your employee. Clemente report did a wonderful jo explaining how Sandusky fooled these men but it doesn't justify their failure to protect the university
Penn State thought it was helping at-risk, underprivileged kids - not enabling a pedophile. Go talk to second mile about jerry's behavior with kids. They were the experts.
And I guess the same can be said for freeh relative to reports but you seem to have less of a problem with the veracity of his report. And there's one big difference between freeh and Clemente - Clemente is actually an expert in the field and handled thousands of child abuse cases and was abused himself.
And one joe paterno never wanted second mile kids in the facilities.
I have read his report. He did a very good job of doing what he was paid to do. His report wasn't an independent report. I understand these were second mile kids. However Penn State is not part of the Second Mile. The Lasch building showers were not built for use of the Second Mile programs. Bowl trips were not Second Mile. Penn State chose to allow Sandusky use their facilities and therefore has a duty to protect those children. Common sense says it a bad idea to allow an adult to shower alone with a child. Any one who has ever worked with children know that you never put yourself in a position to even be accused of something inappropriate. You don't allow a employee to stay in a hotel with a charity kid or shower alone with them. It a basic safeguard you put in place to protect your organization and your employee. Clemente report did a wonderful jo explaining how Sandusky fooled these men but it doesn't justify their failure to protect the university

I love the "paid for" comment as an effort to devalue the Clemente report. Tell me, what kind of a report anywhere ever is not "paid for" by someone? You dismiss the Clemente report, not because it was "paid for" but because it doesn't support your wet dream of Paterno leading a massive conspiracy of silence to allow kids to be raped just so PSU can win football games.
And none of that has anything to do with the vitriol spewed at us for the crime of being Penn State fans. Done turning the other cheek precisely because these monsters are in lots of places.

Telling how you spew this nonsense on multiple schools boards. A Pitt fan couldn't do it better.

Here is an epitome of idiocy, how trolls can't even troll well any more.

Joe hid things "for decades/40 years" to protect himself, Sandusky and football. All of a sudden 40 years later, Joe has a burst of conscience and decides to report what Mike came to him with, after hiding similar things.

It doesn't get anymore stupid. For 40 years, Joe concealed misdeeds from the BoT, Administration, his Coaches and Players.

Only a middle schooler or idiot can believe that nonsense.
I love the "paid for" comment as an effort to devalue the Clemente report. Tell me, what kind of a report anywhere ever is not "paid for" by someone? You dismiss the Clemente report, not because it was "paid for" but because it doesn't support your wet dream of Paterno leading a massive conspiracy of silence to allow kids to be raped just so PSU can win football games.

Exactly so why doesn't the Freeh Report get the same "consideration" hmmmm....:rolleyes:
Another champion new poster.

At the end of the day, you Pitt guys don't care about kiddie porn. You don't care about child molestation. You say you do, but you don't. None of you have ever donated a dime to those causes.

But what you do care about is football. That is why you all spend so much time on a football board that isn't even yours. And you care that your team is a third rate nobody with a goofball head coach who can't out-recruit Ohio University, let alone Ohio State. And he certainly can't out-recruit our guy. That is something you care about, and it burns your asses red.

You can't stand that bad stuff happened in State College, and football-wise we not only didn't pay for it in your eyes, but we came out better. You can't stand our recruiting, our record, our Rose Bowl, our national ranking. You thought sure that Pitt would leap-frog us, but it didn't happen. Not for one second.

And now, 6 years later, Pitt is even further behind us, and falling backwards every second. You have no recruits, no stadiums, and hardly any fans. No money, no big donors, no nothing.

That is what you all really care about, isn't it?
Another champion new poster.

At the end of the day, you Pitt guys don't care about kiddie porn. You don't care about child molestation. You say you do, but you don't. None of you have ever donated a dime to those causes.

But what you do care about is football. That is why you all spend so much time on a football board that isn't even yours. And you care that your team is a third rate nobody with a goofball head coach who can't out-recruit Ohio University, let alone Ohio State. And he certainly can't out-recruit our guy. That is something you care about, and it burns your asses red.

You can't stand that bad stuff happened in State College, and football-wise we not only didn't pay for it in your eyes, but we came out better. You can't stand our recruiting, our record, our Rose Bowl, our national ranking. You thought sure that Pitt would leap-frog us, but it didn't happen. Not for one second.

And now, 6 years later, Pitt is even further behind us, and falling backwards every second. You have no recruits, no stadiums, and hardly any fans. No money, no big donors, no nothing.

That is what you all really care about, isn't it?

Also, there is the pitter view of how things were handled as it relates to jerry, and then there is reality.
Bad things happen due to bad people everywhere. How things are handled is the key.
This is absolutely true. The problem is, your board is so full of bs and faux outrage, it's pathetic. Your board calls PSU a cow pasture, branch campus dummies, and that we think were better than everyone. Also, that it's all about football and win at all cost.

Let me explain, those comments actually prove your posters believe they're better than others. Furthermore, they pretend that everyone knew everything and condone it. Are you that stupid, or just that hateful? So no crime has ever gone on for years before being found out? The Catholic Priests did things for years, and only the victims knew. But you Pitt folks are so high and mighty, right? Nothing has ever happened at Pitt, or in Pittsburgh.

Now, let's talk about winning. You have a number of posts on your board about winning at all costs. You have 2 players, one off the team, the other suspended. Numerous posters have stated no suspension, just win no matter what. I'm done with the hypocrisy. You'd be better off worring about recruiting and football, and you know that. Damn near every day your board is half PSU threads. That's nonsense.
Bad things happen due to bad people everywhere. How things are handled is the key.
How things are handled depends on a lot of variables. And sometimes so-called good people sit in judgement on others from a pisition of complete ignorance and arrogance.
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Respectfully, right is always right. I think Pitt handled this situation correctly and this sicko should go to and stay in jail.

What variables are you referring to?

How things are handled depends on a lot of variables. And sometimes so-called good people sit in judgement on others from a pisition of complete ignorance and arrogance.
This is absolutely true. The problem is, your board is so full of bs and faux outrage, it's pathetic. Your board calls PSU a cow pasture, branch campus dummies, and that we think were better than everyone. Also, that it's all about football and win at all cost.

Let me explain, those comments actually prove your posters believe they're better than others. Furthermore, they pretend that everyone knew everything and condone it. Are you that stupid, or just that hateful? So no crime has ever gone on for years before being found out? The Catholic Priests did things for years, and only the victims knew. But you Pitt folks are so high and mighty, right? Nothing has ever happened at Pitt, or in Pittsburgh.

Now, let's talk about winning. You have a number of posts on your board about winning at all costs. You have 2 players, one off the team, the other suspended. Numerous posters have stated no suspension, just win no matter what. I'm done with the hypocrisy. You'd be better off worring about recruiting and football, and you know that. Damn near every day your board is half PSU threads. That's nonsense.

Well said. Penn State is better than pitt. They know it, and it fuels their hate. They knew that sandusky, although it had nothing to do with football, was their only chance to pass Penn State in something. Of course, it didn't happen. Now they cling to the false narrative because they have nothing else.
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It's all about football with you Pitt guys. It has nothing to do with social justice or the bureau of corrections. If it did, you'd be discussing it on some other board that is not a football board. Your faked outrage is a means to make yourselves feel better about your football team, by thinking that you have the power to denigrate ours. Wrong. You don't. Nobody cares what the 73 Pitt fans think. And no bitching and complaining and constant mentioning of Sandusky is going to help your recruiting or garner Pitt more wins. It isn't. It is just a waste of time. Clearly, recruits aren't listening to your drivel. Neither are the people who do preseason rankings. Neither did the people who decide who goes to bowl games.

You are all wasting your time complaining about us, while your football program is twisting in the wind while hanging from the gallows. If you were serious about all you say about this crime and that crime, you'd be donating money and helping to raise awareness. But you don't. All you do is chortle about the fact that you are middle-aged males who have the guts to give a Thon canner sorority girl the finger as you speed past them in the safety of your 1968 AMC Javelin while dressed in a dirty torn wife-beater undershirt. You are all too stupid to realize how absurd you look.