Dambly Gets Bitch slapped by Tom Wolfs Secretary of Planning

The two Wolf appointees are already on the right side (at least not on the Scoundrels' side, anyway)
I would wager - heavily - that the same will be true for the next two he nominates (who will take the spots of Silvis and Benson, IIRC.....the other two, Dambly and Allie Goldstein, don't come up until 2017)

Of course, the Scoundrels certainly knew this was coming as well as we did - - - - that was the motivation for Reform Proposal A+, which added the additional 1/2 dozen boot-lickers to appointed seats (Salvino, Schuyler, Han and that whole crew) that they will still have the majority even after Wolf finishes tossing the 6 Corbett Cronies.

So long as they are in control - they will, if necessary, go back to that well and add as many sycophants as they need to keep the majority - - - so, in the end, it is going to take Legislative or Judicial action to overthrow the Junta.


In the interim, the "plus" about getting more "non-Scoundrels" on the Board is to have a stronger minority voice, and a more talented and diverse skill set......but that only helps if those assets are willing to stand up to the Scoundrels and call out their malfeasance (while, hopefully, proposing righteous measures of their own).
or for the voters to wake up and turn over the legislature
Dambly is a convicted felon who lied on television about spending time in jail. He is also an appointee of the previous governor. It is a mystery why the current governor is willing to leave this scoundrel in office, especially given Dambly's leading role in the allocation of capital funds. Ex-cons should not be chairing committees that dole out tens of millions of dollars.

So from that news report the BOT has discussed doing background checks on trustee's but still not said go forward....poor example to use but PSU could have a pedophile on the BOT and at this point no one might even know.... yet all other employees are held to the standard? These OGBOT knuckleheads truly are corrupt because the only way they could of gotten to where they are in life is by backroom deals not by smarts...
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Only Anthony can really answer this but if I had to guess I think he was laughing at the reason dambly gave for Elliot voting against whatever this was about. Dambly said it was because it was Elliot's first meeting and Anthony immediately laughed so there's gotta be more to it there. I love the look dambly gave Lubrano. Classic! These shitbags know they are screwed and they don't know what to do. This is a perfect example. He goes on a rant then just gets up and leaves apparently. Ladies and gentlemen... The leaders of penn state.

1 last thing what is Dambly the new Eric Stratton??? Goes on a rant like it's animal house/delta tau chi day in court and gets up and leaves? I didn't get my way so I am taking my ball and going home? Really? Astounding these guys are so called leaders....
So from that news report the BOT has discussed doing background checks on trustee's but still not said go forward....poor example to use but PSU could have a pedophile on the BOT and at this point no one might even know.... yet all other employees are held to the standard? These OGBOT knuckleheads truly are corrupt because the only way they could of gotten to where they are in life is by backroom deals not by smarts...

Also IIRC PSU claims to have fulfilled the Freeh recommendation to background check all PSU people (including volunteers like the BOT) despite the BOT members still not being on the receiving end of background checks. A cynic would speculate that this lie is being committed in order to protect Dambly.
Good for Mark. I wouldn't let any government bureaucrat push me around either. Especially one who in the primary ran on a pro weed platform and had at one time worked for slick Eddie. Have to laugh at Hanger's comment that he was going to continue asking the tough questions. Don't think so considering he resigned from his job and left the state eight weeks later.
Good for Mark. I wouldn't let any government bureaucrat push me around either. Especially one who in the primary ran on a pro weed platform and had at one time worked for slick Eddie. Have to laugh at Hanger's comment that he was going to continue asking the tough questions. Don't think so considering he resigned from his job and left the state eight weeks later.

You sure you want to use the words "weed" and "Dambly" in the same post?
Good for Mark. I wouldn't let any government bureaucrat push me around either. Especially one who in the primary ran on a pro weed platform and had at one time worked for slick Eddie. Have to laugh at Hanger's comment that he was going to continue asking the tough questions. Don't think so considering he resigned from his job and left the state eight weeks later.

to spend time with his wife and daughter in Massachusetts, you gaping idiot

Good for Mark. I wouldn't let any government bureaucrat push me around either. Especially one who in the primary ran on a pro weed platform and had at one time worked for slick Eddie. Have to laugh at Hanger's comment that he was going to continue asking the tough questions. Don't think so considering he resigned from his job and left the state eight weeks later.

We're going to need a pro-weed platform to pass in this state to pay off all the debt that your buddies on the OGBot created by paying off all these un-investigated claims and the ramifications from those decisions.
Good for Mark. I wouldn't let any government bureaucrat push me around either. Especially one who in the primary ran on a pro weed platform and had at one time worked for slick Eddie. Have to laugh at Hanger's comment that he was going to continue asking the tough questions. Don't think so considering he resigned from his job and left the state eight weeks later.

But you were OK with Corbett getting on the phone and telling them all how they should vote.

Since you obviously know more about these things than a serf like I would, does Mark Dambly tell Ed Pawloski how much of a "contribution" he's going to make to his campaign, or does Pawloski tell Dambly how much? Or is it proportional to the size of the contract to be awarded?
Good for Mark. I wouldn't let any government bureaucrat push me around either. Especially one who in the primary ran on a pro weed platform and had at one time worked for slick Eddie. Have to laugh at Hanger's comment that he was going to continue asking the tough questions. Don't think so considering he resigned from his job and left the state eight weeks later.

Oh look, our resident women hater is back.
So from that news report the BOT has discussed doing background checks on trustee's but still not said go forward....poor example to use but PSU could have a pedophile on the BOT and at this point no one might even know.... yet all other employees are held to the standard? These OGBOT knuckleheads truly are corrupt because the only way they could of gotten to where they are in life is by backroom deals not by smarts...

Did Ira Lubert wrestle boys at the Sandusky camp on Ira's property? We know Ira Lubert was tight with Sandusky, and we know Ira Lubert loves wrestling. I wonder if any settlements made accusations at Ira Lubert.
Good for Mark. I wouldn't let any government bureaucrat push me around either. Especially one who in the primary ran on a pro weed platform and had at one time worked for slick Eddie. Have to laugh at Hanger's comment that he was going to continue asking the tough questions. Don't think so considering he resigned from his job and left the state eight weeks later.
You mean drunk driving, weed smoking, convicted street thug, sleazy businessman Mark Dambly? Sounds like just the kind of scumbag an assclown who anonymously harasses women on Twitter would champion.

Why are you still here? Is it some kind of narcissistic thrill to troll strangers over the internet? Didn't your daddy love you enough so now you need the attention and vitriol of strangers?

You lashing out at others for all the people--especially the ladies--who've rejected you over the years because of your social awkwardness?

What's up with you?
You mean drunk driving, weed smoking, convicted street thug, sleazy businessman Mark Dambly? Sounds like just the kind of scumbag an assclown who anonymously harasses women on Twitter would champion.

Why are you still here? Is it some kind of narcissistic thrill to troll strangers over the internet? Didn't your daddy love you enough so now you need the attention and vitriol of strangers?

You lashing out at others for all the people--especially the ladies--who've rejected you over the years because of your social awkwardness?

What's up with you?

I hear Lucent didn't like him either.
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You mean drunk driving, weed smoking, convicted street thug, sleazy businessman Mark Dambly? Sounds like just the kind of scumbag an assclown who anonymously harasses women on Twitter would champion.

Why are you still here? Is it some kind of narcissistic thrill to troll strangers over the internet? Didn't your daddy love you enough so now you need the attention and vitriol of strangers?

You lashing out at others for all the people--especially the ladies--who've rejected you over the years because of your social awkwardness?

What's up with you?
I like this guy ^^^^^
But you were OK with Corbett getting on the phone and telling them all how they should vote.

Since you obviously know more about these things than a serf like I would, does Mark Dambly tell Ed Pawloski how much of a "contribution" he's going to make to his campaign, or does Pawloski tell Dambly how much? Or is it proportional to the size of the contract to be awarded?

Corbett explicitly told the Board how to vote? Really? And what leverage did he have if they refused? The answer is none!

As to your last series of questions, I wouldn't know. Why don't you send Mark and Ed an e-mail and ask them yourself.
You mean drunk driving, weed smoking, convicted street thug, sleazy businessman Mark Dambly? Sounds like just the kind of scumbag an assclown who anonymously harasses women on Twitter would champion.

Why are you still here? Is it some kind of narcissistic thrill to troll strangers over the internet? Didn't your daddy love you enough so now you need the attention and vitriol of strangers?

You lashing out at others for all the people--especially the ladies--who've rejected you over the years because of your social awkwardness?

What's up with you?

You are now posting at your own legal peril. You've been warned.
You mean drunk driving, weed smoking, convicted street thug, sleazy businessman Mark Dambly? Sounds like just the kind of scumbag an assclown who anonymously harasses women on Twitter would champion.

Why are you still here? Is it some kind of narcissistic thrill to troll strangers over the internet? Didn't your daddy love you enough so now you need the attention and vitriol of strangers?

You lashing out at others for all the people--especially the ladies--who've rejected you over the years because of your social awkwardness?

What's up with you?

Just letting you know that future postings of this nature are done at your own legal peril. The owner of this site has already been notified to same. Don't believe me? Go ahead and try me.
Just letting you know that future postings of this nature are done at your own legal peril. The owner of this site has already been notified to same. Don't believe me? Go ahead and try me.
If you don't want people to know who you are you probably shouldn't have a Twitter account that uses both your board handle and your real name.
Just letting you know that future postings of this nature are done at your own legal peril. The owner of this site has already been notified to same. Don't believe me? Go ahead and try me.

Keep it up

I know it is pathetic, like watching a mortally wounded mouse, or mole, or a baby bunny.....being toyed with by a proficient vermin killing barn cat......but it's just TOO good (and too deserved) to not be entertaining
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If that's what you thought you'd be wrong. KF is a mediator.

You can characterize KF anyway you want but mediation outcomes are generally based on factual events and KF's role was to assemble information, ascertain if the information provided him was truthful and to what degree, and and then assigning a financial score based on some parametric formula.
Corbett explicitly told the Board how to vote? Really? And what leverage did he have if they refused? The answer is none!

As to your last series of questions, I wouldn't know. Why don't you send Mark and Ed an e-mail and ask them yourself.

Then why did he tell them to remember the boy in the shower?

No leverage? Hmmm, how about a settlement in Merck's liability case re: Vioxx? How about a half million dollar grant to a certain potato producing company in Hegins PA? I'm sure there's no way that firms like BNY-Mellon, Fox-Rothchild, Pennrose Properties, etc., etc. could suddenly find themselves under scrutiny by the Department of Revenue, or lose consideration to certain state contracts, could they? It's not like the former governor, like most of his cronies on the Board aren't petulant, vengeful little bitches, is it?

I'd send an e-mail to them, but I'm afraid I might get put on some list and start receiving porn.

BTW, don't you have some AC units to put in windows?
You can characterize KF anyway you want but mediation outcomes are generally based on factual events and KF's role was to assemble information, ascertain if the information provided him was truthful and to what degree, and and then assigning a financial score based on some parametric formula.

By mean factual events, assembled information, ascertained the degree of truthfulness, assigned financial score, and parametric formula, do you mean second and third degree hearsay, which is the "parametric formula" the AG's office assigned to the allegations?
You can characterize KF anyway you want but mediation outcomes are generally based on factual events and KF's role was to assemble information, ascertain if the information provided him was truthful and to what degree, and and then assigning a financial score based on some parametric formula.

That's not what mediators do.
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Just letting you know that future postings of this nature are done at your own legal peril. The owner of this site has already been notified to same. Don't believe me? Go ahead and try me.

Translation - I'm going to go upstairs and tell mommy.

Seriously, you've been wrong so many times about legal matters that its hard to take you seriously. So instead, we just laugh at you and the strange and inaccurate things you say.
Like I've always said...You so wish you were me!

Off to the Hamptons tomorrow to play Shinnecock. Might even bump into Mike.
Bloomberg that is. He's a real fanatic and enjoys playing thirty six when he plays. Where are you headed tomorrow? Backyard? Hey, maybe I should take you out there with me. I can put you on the bag and if you're lucky, maybe Mike will be there and put you on his bag. He's very generous and usually tips each caddy in his foursome three hundred bucks. When was the last time somebody tipped you that kind of money? Oh I forgot, your significant other told me she tips you something comparable to stay out of her bedroom. How silly of me to forget. LOL!
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Then why did he tell them to remember the boy in the shower?

No leverage? Hmmm, how about a settlement in Merck's liability case re: Vioxx? You mean the one that netted the state just $6.9M. You mean the one that Pennsylvania initially sued Merck in state court in 2008, before Merck removed the case to federal court and had it transferred to a multidistrict litigation in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana in January 2009. You mean the one where the state contested Merck’s claims that the suit belonged in federal court, but did not succeed in its efforts for remand. Yep Frazier was really worried about that one. I'm sure Tom had Ken shaking in his boots. LOL! How about a half million dollar grant to a certain potato producing company in Hegins PA? Are you talking about USDA crop subsidies? That's money from the federal not state government. I'm sure there's no way that firms like BNY-Mellon, Fox-Rothchild, Pennrose Properties, etc., etc. could suddenly find themselves under scrutiny by the Department of Revenue, or lose consideration to certain state contracts, could they? Nope, nothing to worry about. So tell me exactly what leverage Tom would have over the other 25 trustees who sat on the Board? You can start with Linda Strumpf, Jesse Arnelle, etc and work your way down the next 20 or so. Go ahead I'm listening. It's not like the former governor, like most of his cronies on the Board aren't petulant, vengeful little bitches, is it?

I'd send an e-mail to them, but I'm afraid I might get put on some list and start receiving porn.

BTW, don't you have some AC units to put in windows?

The properties that our foundation and other legal entities own all have central air. Why do you ask and why do you care?
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Oh look, our resident women hater is back.
Not only that, the ding-dong-dilly can't go to the Feinberg video where he specifically says he and the other colleague were NOT hired to investigate, but to "facilitate". The INVESTIGATE part was up to IRA and his committee. What a bang-up job they didn't do on that...
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