David Carr to ISU . . . naturally, this was destined to turn into a debate about Cael's recruiting abilities. Here's the recipe:
• 2 cups of Spyker/Rings/Champs obnoxious proclamation
• 1 tablespoon of Hawkeye fan gullibility
• 1/4-cup of Hawkeye fan opinion
• 1/4-cup of PSU fan opposing opinion
• 1/2-cup of Hawkeye fan backpedal and redirection
• 1 cup of PSU fan opposing opinion with supporting statistics
• a dash of PSU fan snark
First, pour the 2 cups of SRC obnoxious proclamation into a bowl of your choosing (no need to be precise -- the messier the better). It is important to use this ingredient first, as it is a solid foundation for any debate.
Let the contents settle, then add the Hawkeye fan gullibility. For best results, we suggest a novel brand that is not familiar with SRC products.
Add the Hawkeye fan opinion and PSU opposing opinion and mix the contents of the bowl. Let contents settle for several minutes, then quickly add the Hawkeye fan backpedal and redirection.
Mix contents of bowl again, then pour evenly into a baking pan. Slowly cover the mix with a heavy layer of PSU fan opposing opinion with supporting statistics. Sprinkle a dash of PSU fan snark over the top for flavor (this part is optional, but highly recommended).
Bake in a wrestling forum at 375 degrees for 15 minutes, and
voila! Debate about Cael Sanderson's recruiting abilities.