LMAO at you Beto O'Rourke 'Chicken Little the Sky is Falling' types. Here are the key takeaways...
Anyway good luck trying to takeaway guns, democrats. Anyone who tries is committing political suicide.
In the meantime democrats like AOC want to keep criminals on the streets, thereby inconveniencing you both financially and in terms of safety. In her world it makes perfect sense.
Thank you.
- Sales are up 26% over this time last year
- 2020 sales totaled 39.7M
- 340M Criminal Background checks have been done since 1998 with a .6% rejection rate
- One-fifth of buyers are first-time
- Most of them are (you guessed it) people-of-color, as well as women. So much for the angry white supremist theory.
- Semi-auto handguns are the weapon-of-choice
- While eggheads obfuscate over the motivation I think the reason is clear: given the defund-the-police movement and general lawlessness people feel a need to protect themselves. It's the same reason why many states eliminate licensing requirements for conceal carry; i.e. if criminals don't need to play-by-the-rules then why should you.
- Illinois has bought the most guns YTD at 5.3M. That's 27% of gun purchases nationwide despite having only 4% of population. I wonder if Chicago homicides (up 22%) are an influence.
Anyway good luck trying to takeaway guns, democrats. Anyone who tries is committing political suicide.
In the meantime democrats like AOC want to keep criminals on the streets, thereby inconveniencing you both financially and in terms of safety. In her world it makes perfect sense.
Thank you.