So are we predicting what the unhinged lunatics will pivot to next? Back to RUSSIA? Oops, there's the answer......
What a difference five days make.
Two New York Times reporters titled their book at the center of the controversy “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh.” This week, the entire country received an education about the dangers of rushing to judgment over first media accounts of writers’ supposed bombshell allegations.
On Sunday Sen. Kamala Harris “pinned” her weekend reaction to the story – that Kavanaugh “must be impeached” — to the top of her Twitter page as a sign of the priority she was placing on the crusade to take down the latest Republican addition to the nation’s high court.
Harris, whose campaign polling has plunged in recent weeks, doubled down on the impeachment demand on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show Monday night, then touted those calls for his ouster in fundraising appeals to supporters.
She had plenty of company. All of the 2020 Democratic candidates, except former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, angrily demanded that Congress force Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court after the Times reported a seemingly new incendiary allegation of college-era drunken sexual misconduct by him.
The story included a one-source charge that while at an alcohol-fueled party, friends pushed Kavanaugh, who had his pants down, into a woman, thus forcing her to touch his penis. Just 24 hours after the story’s posting, editors updated it with a note that said the alleged female victim in the incident declined to be interviewed and her friends say she does not recall it happening.
The Harris Kavanaugh pin is now gone, replaced by a gripping PSA about the children killed in the Sandy Hook shooting.
What a difference five days make.
Two New York Times reporters titled their book at the center of the controversy “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh.” This week, the entire country received an education about the dangers of rushing to judgment over first media accounts of writers’ supposed bombshell allegations.
On Sunday Sen. Kamala Harris “pinned” her weekend reaction to the story – that Kavanaugh “must be impeached” — to the top of her Twitter page as a sign of the priority she was placing on the crusade to take down the latest Republican addition to the nation’s high court.
Harris, whose campaign polling has plunged in recent weeks, doubled down on the impeachment demand on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show Monday night, then touted those calls for his ouster in fundraising appeals to supporters.
She had plenty of company. All of the 2020 Democratic candidates, except former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, angrily demanded that Congress force Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court after the Times reported a seemingly new incendiary allegation of college-era drunken sexual misconduct by him.
The story included a one-source charge that while at an alcohol-fueled party, friends pushed Kavanaugh, who had his pants down, into a woman, thus forcing her to touch his penis. Just 24 hours after the story’s posting, editors updated it with a note that said the alleged female victim in the incident declined to be interviewed and her friends say she does not recall it happening.
The Harris Kavanaugh pin is now gone, replaced by a gripping PSA about the children killed in the Sandy Hook shooting.