The horses used for therapeutic riding are special. Any size, but gentleness is needed. Our horse, that both our daughters rode for years was just such a horse. He was donated to be used for the purpose of helping special needs individuals (i.e. therapeutic rides). As sad as we were (he was awesome with my kids when they were young -- a long time ago) to give him up, it was to an awesome cause.Very glad you posted this. I'm not an authority on autism. That said, I deal with them on a weekly basis. In my world of farriery, I do a good number of therapeutic horses. They are specifically used for children with autism. You are absolutely correct regarding the degree of autism. It's not necessarily about being autistic, but about the frustration that comes with being autistic. It make some lash out due to that frustration. That's exactly why animals, particularly horses, are used for these children. It challenges them to think and progress, while still dealing with challenges. I've also seen a number of children lash out at the horses. Nothing frustrates a human more than a horse. It's precisely why these horses are so well trained and specifically selected for their tolerance of humans. Nothing puts a smile on the face of an autistic child like a horse. Well, other than my shoeing companion, my dog Joker. 🐕
Your post, hotshoe, reminded me of some great times