Devils' advocate

Curious to see if it is just me... Does anyone else think that sometimes the top man is simply riding and should be hit for stalling instead of the bottom guy? Often the bottom guy isn't stalling he is simply overmatched and cannot do anything? I can't remember the last time I saw the top man hit.

I think there needs to be more stalling calls against the top wrestler. There are times when the bottom guy is simply being dominated and gets hit for stalling. I once looked up to the ref during a match and said "I'm not stalling sir, I just can't do anything." I think anyone that has been overmatched understands this. I sometimes get frustrated with fans (many of whom may never have wrestled) screaming for stalling on the bottom when the he is just be held down.

Sorry that was so badly fragmented.

IMO it's difficult to penalize a guy for doing what the scoring system rewards him for (riding time). I know you can differentiate what a guy is doing while riding, but that can be awfully subjective and difficult to officiate. If a guy is on top and looking for a way to turn and the bottom man isn't giving it to him, it's difficult. Yet the scoring system gives him one point so it's in his interest to keep riding to ensure the extra point.
I am much younger than you, Roar. When I watch matches on YouTube from the 1980s, I generally much prefer the way they called stalling. I think it was objectively closer to the actual meaning of the rules, and above all, to the spirit of the sport of wrestling.

With that said, Dan Mayo was NOT stalling against Royce Alger in 1988, imo!!! :)
Dang, you've been hanging on to that one for a very long time!!

I didn't mind the calling of stalling in the '70's, '80's and beyond either, but to say it was better, that there was no griping, just isn't accurate - not even close. There was just as much, but we didn't have social media to share our opinions. At the water fountain Monday morning, the complaining was just as intense.

Frankly, it's just one of those things I accept, except for the calls that are so egregious they should be called out.

As a couple of elements of other sports that have been complained about since the beginning of time, think balls & strikes in baseball, and holding in football.
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What's interesting about this is the NCAA defining specific instances of stalling:
side headlock with legs in (the Chris Perry Rule)
riding below the waist
failure to mat return

I'm not sure what else should be determined to be always stalling by rule. For example, the trapped ankle ride is often a stall ride -- but Zahid wrecked Hoffman with it, aggressively used it to lock up cradles, the type of action that should be encouraged.
I get the subjectivity in trying to decide if a top man is trying for a turn. But as long as he is not parallel, I'm okay with it. But when a top man is sitting on the opponent's back with both his legs laced through his body and all he's doing is pressing his forearm on the back of the guy's head and neck, that is not a stalemate, that is stalling.