The d-baggers want MORE SPENDING.... lol.... So much for the "outrage" over deficit spending....
Democrats are unfit to govern........
WASHINGTON — Furious opposition from both the House Democrats’ most ardent liberals and their fiscal hawks forced Democratic leaders on Tuesday to delay voting on a two-year budget measure that would increase military and domestic spending, an embarrassing send-off as the new majority prepared to leave for a three-day retreat.
The decision to indefinitely postpone the vote underscored the Democrats’ lack of unity almost 100 days into their majority and the challenge facing Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her leadership team as they try to bridge an ideological gap between upstart progressives flexing their muscles and more moderate members clinging to their Republican-leaning seats.
Democrats are unfit to govern........
WASHINGTON — Furious opposition from both the House Democrats’ most ardent liberals and their fiscal hawks forced Democratic leaders on Tuesday to delay voting on a two-year budget measure that would increase military and domestic spending, an embarrassing send-off as the new majority prepared to leave for a three-day retreat.
The decision to indefinitely postpone the vote underscored the Democrats’ lack of unity almost 100 days into their majority and the challenge facing Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her leadership team as they try to bridge an ideological gap between upstart progressives flexing their muscles and more moderate members clinging to their Republican-leaning seats.